First day for the dou!

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(Song isn't relevant, I just like it and wanted to show it to you guys)

3rd Person PoV

The night was calm and quiet, nothing happened. So when the alarms rang at 6 am the next day Grimmchild and Dominic, reluctantly, stood up and began to prepare for their first day at UA. Both followed the usual morning routine, which consisted of: Waking up, fixing hair, taking a quick shower, breakfast with small talk and finally brushing teeth. After all that it was barely 7:30, so they still had about 1 hour left. They boys where just thinking of what they should do, when they heard a knock on the door.

"Enter!" The duo said in unison and so the doors opened, revealing everyones favorite principal, Nezu.

"Hello there boys. I just wanted to let you know that your teacher has requested, that you two come by the teachers lounge at precisely 8:15 am. He will take you to class from there. Well then, have a great first day." And with that, he left again.

So yeah, now the two kids were waiting. When the clock hit 8:10 they left in search of the teachers lounge, which they found rather quickly. The boys waited 2 more minutes and then knocked. The door was opnened by a man, with a face that just screamed "don't ask me how I'm doing" or "I haven't slept in years but I don't care", Grimmchild however instantly recognised him.

"Oh, it's you. It's a pleasure to meet you in more.....pleasant.....circumstances." Grimmchild greeted. The man only gave him a bored look, yes, nothing more but a bored look.

The man only growled a little while signaling them to follow him. The children simply obeyed. The trio stopped in front of a classroom.

"Wait here until I signal you to come in. Brown hair, you make sure that the other one doesn't try anything funny, understood?"

"Yes sir!" Dominic awnsered quickly.

Aizawa entered the classroom, which was loud, as per usual. The ones who were waiting outside were just having a quiet conversation, which was soon interupted by multiple voices shouting.


Inside 1-A

The class was....hyped, to say the least.

"New students, I wonder what their quirks are!" Midoriya thought aloud.

"I hope at least one of them is a girl" Everyones favorite grape thought, while drooling.

"Well, this is certainly interesting. Why would they accept two students in the middle of the year?" Momo asked herself.

The once explosive boy though, he just smiled friendly, for he had an idea who one of the two might be.

Yes, the moods were different for each of them. They waited for Aizawa to fetch them.

Back outside

Grimmchild and Dominics talk was cut short by Aizawa telling them to enter. So, here they were, in front of their new classmates.

"Introduce yourselves, just don't be too loud." Classic Aizawa. 

Dominic then began.

"Hi, my name is Dominic Fuchs. Before the questions begin, no I am not from Japan, I'm native german. Nice to meet all of you!" He said, cutting the introduction short and avoiding unnecessary questions. Grimmchild then continued.

"Greetings, my name is Grimmchild, it is a pleasure to meet all of you."

Class 1-A fell silent for a few seconds before yelling


End Chapter


Word Count: 541 Words

Well, this took WAY longer than I expected it to take and the outcome is this short chapter....sorry, if you don't like it, I understand. Well you know the rest, till the next chapter


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