When things go south...

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A few days later, 3rd Person PoV

The Grimm Troupe was standing in another bank. They did some research and found out that the owner was commiting tax evasion, so they were planning to help her. As the Grimm Troupe was nearing the end of their operation, they heard a familiar voice.

It was Nightmare, who, despite his mask, had a nervous look on his face. "Guys, I might have done something stupid." He said, waiting for his partners reactions. Grimm, with a hint of annoyance, asked the problem was, to which Nightmare responded with "I might have killed this guard, who saw me."

Grimms eyes became even reder than the were and, if one were to look close enough to even see, rose a scarlet red fire. The anger he gave off was almost visible, it had laid its grip upon the group of thieves. The tension grew with each passing second, all of them were wondering if Grimm would kill Nightmare here and now. To everyones surprise, Grimms voice was calm and collected, as usual. "Well then, someone will have to clean up the mess. As much as I want to let you do it Nightmare, you are not fast enough to do it, so Grimmchild will clean up, just this once though."

Grimmchild was about to complain, when Divine shot him with a Just-do-it-glare. Since he didn't seem to have a choice, the youngest of the Troupe, though reluctantly, stayed behind.

Itty bitty Timeskip

The boy had finished disposing of the corpse with his scarlet fire, as well as cleaning up the blood, when the front door was opened and sirens were heard. The police and heroes had arrived. Grimmchild panicked a little before he realised that he could simply turn into his other form and fly away.

 Grimmchild panicked a little before he realised that he could simply turn into his other form and fly away

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(Picture not mine, credit to original owner, on with the story)

The boy, well more like bat-thing, flew over the heads of police and heroes. He was out of the bank and ready to leave for the hideout when a strange piece of cloth shoot past him, barely missing him. Grimmchild didn't turn around, he only flew faster, while barely hearing the steps of his pursuer. He flew faster and faster, around corners and over traffic lights. He stopped in an alley, transformed back and took some heavy breaths. He thought he had outsmarted his mysterious persecutor, when he felt himself being wrapped up, like a present, in the exact cloth he had evaded so many times. A tired voice came to his ears.

"I finally got you. If you thought you could escape without being noticed, then you thought wrong." A man wearing goggles said, jumping from above. Grimmchild struggled to get out but eventually just gave up. The, what he assumed to be, pro hero carried Grimmchild back to the bank where police and, of course, All Might were waiting.

" I see that you've caught someone Ereaserhead, thank you for your help!" A random police officer greeted the, already tired, hero. Not many words were said, Grimmchild was just brought to the police station for some questioning and afterwards was sent to juvinile hall.

Meanwhile at the airport, ??? PoV

"Well, this is it, time for my new life in Japan!" I said to myself as I got off the airplane. I can't believe I was asked to study at UA to become a hero. It was such an awsome feeling! I do hope my japanese is good enough though, didn't have much time to study. Oh well, time to find the adress they gave me!

And with these words I left for my home for the next 3 years.

End Chapter

Word Count: 621

What is this? A new chapter! Who is the mysterious person from the end? What will happen to Grimmchild? Why am I asking these questions? Find out in the next chapter and until then, let me know about mistakes, flaws or anything I could improve! Always open for criticism. Well then


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