Part 23: Prime Solution

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Megatron closes in to do the final blow as we now go into slow motion. As he is lunging forward something catches the corner of his eye. An approaching object is flying straight toward him and as it draws near it is revealed to be a very large bullet. Megatron's facial expression turns from bloodthirsty satisfaction into confusion as the bullet hits him square in the chest, sending him flying across the street. All the Decepticons pause in confusion as they all attempt to analyze the situation.

Splicer: "Wow Megatron you're stabbing is so strong it sounds like a gunshot!"

Thunder: "That's because there was a gunshot!"

Splicer: "Oh.. wait what?"

The person who fired the shot is none other than Optimus Prime, and the military led by Ace is now in play blasting away at Vehicons. The Autobots use the distraction to their advantage and break free. Bumblebee bashes Brimstone with a headbutt from behind to break free while Longarm backhands Dropkick, who flees afterword. Everyone begins to fight again as the Autobots manage to get the patches on each of the Decepticons, who are unaware of this happening. Megatron paid little attention to Beachcomber putting the patch on him during except for the unkillable Waspinator, and Megatron, who is now getting up from his attack.

Megatron: "Optimus, he's finally decided to show his face."

Dropkick and Thundercracker come over to help their leader get to his feet.

Dropkick: "Are you alright Megatron?"

Megatron: "Where is Starscream?"

Thunder: "He left as soon as he saw you get hit."

Megatron: (angered) "That coward has disgraced me for the last time! I will deal with him when I'm finished with Prime."

Dropkick: "I'm surprised you expected more from Starscream."

Thunder: "Me too."

Dropkick: "So what's the plan Megatron?"

Megatron: "I will handle Prime on my own, and as for you Dropkick, I want you and your two friends to track the Autobot's human friends and kill them. I will handle Optimus myself."

Dropkick: "On it." (transforms and drives off)

Thunder: "What about me?"

Megatron: "I want you to blow the human's airforce out of the sky, and see that this time there are no survivors."

Thunder: "Now you're speaking my language!"

Thundercracker transforms to combat the air force while Megatron sends out a single shot of his lighting cannon at some of the other Autobots. In slow motion we see Optimus trying to take the bullet, but it flies over his head. The shot hits in the worst possible scenario as Beachcomber gets shot in the chest while Ratchet is trying to drag him away to safety. Now his condition is even worse.

Prime: "Beachcomber no!"

Megatron: (sadistically) "Did I do that? My apologies."

Optimis has his hands violently clench into fists as anger courses through his body.

Prime: (coldly) "This ends today Megatron."

Megatron: (nonchalantly) "I never grow tired of hearing that. So what will hinder you from victory this time?"

Prime: "As long as I still function nothing will keep me from stopping you."

Megatron: "We'll see about that."

The two go running toward each other as they both land a punch to the face at the same time, but Optimus is the first one to recover and delivers an uppercut to his foe. He continues his attack by landing punch after punch and finishing with a straight punch to the face, greatly hurting Megatron. Megatron uses the momentum to turn around and backhand Prime. They trade blows until Megatron tries to stab Prime with his blade. Optimus catches his arm and tucks it between his arm and proceeds to headbutt the tyrant. Optimus slams both hands down on Megatron's neck to smash him into the ground. Optimus takes his sword to stab him on the ground but Megatron roll over to dodge.

Further up the street Fearswoop and Terradive are watching the two battle and are questioning whether to step in or not.

(eye twitching) "Do you sea what I sea?"

"Yeah Megatron can't take the heat."

"Should we help him?"

"I don't know should we?"

"He called us failures, even me."

"Well he didn't have to say what I already knew."

"Are you serious right now?"

"Yeah, don't you see-"

(cleverly) "You said sea!"

"No I didn-..... (in horror) It can't be.... (violently shaking him) You made me catch the sea virus!"

(smugly) "Whoops, my bad!"

"You monster!"

"So are we going to help him or what?"

"I guess, but after you."

"How polite of you."

Optimus is about to finish Megatron when Terradive blasts him with his trident, sending him flying back.

Megatron: "I was handling him just fine until you showed up."

Terra: "Not where we were looking."

Fear: "You should be thanking us."

Megatron: (begrudgingly) "Thank you. You go take on Prime, I have to do something."

Fear: "Where are you going?"

Megatron: "I'm going to find Starscream." (flies off)

Terra: "Well then I guess it's up to us. Have any more songs I can listen to while we fight?"

Fear: "Yeah I do actually (lighting a random human woman on fire) This girl is on fire... literally!"

Terradive is overjoyed as he witnesses the sadistic sense of humor his friend has. Fearswoop has a very literal outlook on life. They both charge at Optimus as we now change our perspective over to Bumblebee, who is angrily pursuing Brimstone in vehicle mode. Bumblebee manages to shoot out Brimstone's back tire as he is forced to transform after he crashes.


Bumblebee punches Brimstone very hard in the face, but Brimstone swats him aside and runs away. Bumblebee tries to run after him, and Splicer takes note of this. He shoots a street light near Bumblebee and it falls over his head and knocks him out. Carly is trying to get out of the chaos. But a fight between Blastwave and Cliffjumper halt her progress. Cliffjumper uses his sword to slash Blastwave, but he reveals his chest cannon and blasts Cliffjumper in the chest three times. Blastwave then throws Cliffjumper right in front of Carly, frightening her. She uses the distraction to get near an alleyway. Waspinator is battling Ironhide, and shoots 20 scales into his chest. Ironhide takes out his newly upgrade Heavy Iron and blows Waspinator to smithereens. Bumblebee slowly wakes up, only to be pinned to a wall by two Vehicons. Spike witnesses the scene as he panics about his friend. Suddenly he remembers that he has the gun Wheeljack made in his pocket. He takes it out as his hands tremble in fear over making a mistake. Closing his eyes, he takes two blind shots. Fortunately for Spike and Bumblebee, the shots hit both Vehicons, allowing him time to kill them both.


"No problem."

"It isn't safe here, I'm going to get you out of here."

"Not without Carly."

"We will get her I promise."

They both notice Carly being chased slowly by the Skywarp clone, so very slowly. Bumblebee shoots it in the back and begins to fight it.

"I'll pick you up later, but get Carly!"

"I will, stay safe."

"You too."

As they two battle we transition over to Ratchet and Beachcomber. Ratchet is desperately trying to save his friend's life, but the damage is quite severe.

"Come on stabilize!"

(weakly) "Don't worry about me man, worry about yourself."

(panicking) "Don't you dare say that, you're going to make it."

Ratchet hears yelling drawing near as we see Prowl getting thrown into a building nearby by Waspinator, who then shoots lasers at Longarm. Sideswipe slices him in half and flees with Prowl as they try to meet with the others. Meanwhile Optimus is continuing the battle with Terradive and Fearswoop, and he is barely keeping the advantage.

Terradive scratches Optimus with his trident while Fearswoop kicks him from behind. Optimus kicks Fearswoop from behind like a donkey and charges into Terradive. Terradive kicks him off and attempts to swipe him with his trident, but Optimus disarms him and tries to snap the trident in half. To his surprise it doesn't even twitch from his attempts, and Terradive begins to laugh hysterically.

Terra: (mocking) "Did I forget to mention that this is no ordinary Trident? This is an Iacon relic once wielded by the legendary Prime Liege Maximo himself. Unless you have another relic to fight me with, that isn't breaking."

Prime: "You've been misusing it for too long Terradive."

Terra: (scoffing) "Pfft, it's not like anyone else was using it for anything important. If you ask me I've done more with it than you ever could. You always were a step BEHIND Optimus!"

This was a code as Fearswoop tackles Optimus from behind. Optimus gets up while the two struggle. Terradive comes in for the kill, but is kangaroo kicked by Optimus. Fearswoop tries to burn him, but Optimus runs backwards and slams into a wall to shake off Fearswoop, but to no success. As he continually gets kicked, Optimus frees an arm and jambs his elbow into Fearswoop's eye, partially cracking it. As he clutches his face in pain Optimus shoots him to crash him into a wall. Terradive picks up and throws Prime across the street.

Terra: "Are you alright?"

Fear: "I'll be better when we kill him. I have one more song too."

Terra: "Let's hear it."

Prime: "Not this again."

Fear: "Let it burn, let it burn, you can't save yourself any more! Let it burn, let it burn, I am one with the flames and sun!"

Terra: (tearing up) -sniff- "What a majestic symphony."

Fearswoop launches his grenades at Optimus, who quickly dodges. Fearswoop anticipated this and activates one of his thrustor hands to have fire ready, and delivers a fiery punch to the stomach, causing Optimus to crumple to the floor.

Terra: "Well done, let's finish this."

Terradive tries to deal the finishing blow, but Cliffjumper, Longarm, and Sideswipe swoop in for the rescue. Terradive gets blasted into a wall while Cliffjumper knocks out Fearswoop. Sideswipe helps his leader get to his feet.

Prime: "Thank you, you've all fought bravely."

Side: "You need to kill the Skywarp clone, Jazz was sucked in a black hole and we don't have much time."

Prime: "I'm on it, be safe."

Cliff: "We always are...most of the time."

Optimus drives off to find the clone as we transition to Wheeljack and Chip. Wheeljack decides his first priority is to get Chip out of the city, but as they go off they are unaware of the incoming danger. We transition one last time to Cliffjumper and the gang as Terradive bats them all across the street with his trident. He gets a surprising call from Megatron over the comm link.

Megatron: "Terradive, the human infantry are tearing up what few Vehicons we have left, go take care of them."

Terra: "Very well then. Good luck Fearswoop, hope you have fun killing them without me."

Fear: -sigh- "I SEA how it is."

Terradive transforms and flies off as Cliffjumper gets an idea.

Cliff: "I have a brilliant idea guys."

Side: "What is it Cliffjumper?"

Cliffjumper and the other two huddle as he says some inaudible dialogue.

Longarm: (gruffly) "That plan is stupid, dangerous, unheard of, and has almost no chance of working.... let's do it!"

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