Part 21: Cutting Edge

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Waspinator takes on both Bumblebee and Sideswipe, and as always he never thinks things through. They both take turns knocking him into the other and the continue to slap him around. Sideswipe mistimed his hit which allows him time to kick Bumblebee back and turn around to give Sideswipe an uppercut. He transforms and flies in the air and shoots Ratchet with his scales. Waspinator tries to retreat, but Beachcomber hitches a ride and begins to beat him senseless. The two crash into the street with Beachcomber quickly regains his balance. The hippy activates his liquid nitrogen to freeze one of Waspinators legs. Beachcomber then does a hard ninja kick and shatters the leg into a million pieces. Waspinator is of course upset with the new turn of events and acts accordingly.

Wasp: "Waspinator hate hippy bot. Hippy bot's breath smells like Energon vicodin and mushrooms."

Beach: (proudly) "That's because I popped a few in before the big battle bro."

Wasp: "Hippy bot will pay for breaking Waspinator's leg."

Beach: "You mad bro?"

Prowl steps in to join his friend to fight Waspinator.

Prowl: "Nice moves, but you are going to need help with this."

Beach: "I have it way under control man."

Prowl: "We need to get those patches Wheeljack made on the Decepticons, so we need to focus on the ones who can actually die."

Wasp: "Waspinator hate cop bot. Cop bot is dumbass."

Prowl: -sigh- "I'm going to need a bigger boot to squish you."

During the chaos Ratchet pulls Longarm to the side of an alley to begin fixing up his comrade.

"Stay still this might hurt a little."

"I sincerely doubt it."

"Don't be difficult, your armor is showing weakness."

"I could tell by the melting on the top."

"You need to stop taking risks like that, you can't take the bullet for everyone."

"I'll take it for as many humans and Autobots as I can, and I won't stop till I drop."

"Getting yourself killed, especially for these humans is beyond my understanding."

"Because you only see in black and white Ratchet. We brought our war to them, and we owe them our help and lives."

"But they don't care about us!"

"Even if that's true it's still our job to wage our battle against the evil forces of the Decepticons."

-sigh- "Whatever makes you feel better."

Splicer comes revving into the city, and all the Autobots pause in dread for this moment. Prowl shoots Waspintor's head clean off, and blows the smoke away from his pistol. Splicer transforms and does a flying kick to Wheeljack's chest. He then does an aerial flip and turns his guns into the spike setting. The spike setting has his guns shoot out these glowing green crystal shards across the street, and Ironhide has about 10 in his back as of right now. Splicer briefly engages Prowl, who finds himself thrown into Cliffjumper. Splicer runs toward Sideswipe, but Beachcomber uses his liquid nitrogen to freeze one of his feet, causing him to fall face first to the ground.

Splicer: "Ow! That wasn't nice!"

Beach: "Sorry man, but you got to stop hurting my friends."

Splicer: "I see, but I have a mission."

Splicer breaks the ice with his blades and grabs him by the "hair" and slams him on a car. Cliffjumper fires his gatling gun at him, but he does a backflip to dodge and closes in on the Autobot. He uses a kick to knock the gun away and scratches him across the stomach. Beachcomber shoots him in the back with his repeater, and Splicer responds by slicing the gun in half.

Beach: "You messed up the do, dude."

Splicer: "Sorry but it's out of fashion."

Longarm: "I'm coming Beachcomber!"

Splicer shoots him with his special rifle and notices Bumblebee running away with Spike and Chip. He fires a shot of his rifle that hits a building, and he presses the button which makes that area explode above them and debris begin to fall in their direction. Bumblebee is forced to think fast and transforms and does a spin and we see this in slow motion as he only barely grabs both boys before becoming his car form again. The two of course are screaming because they saw their life flash before their eyes. During all this Thundercracker does another unsuccessful airstrike and Fearswoop is cornering Ratchet and Wheeljack while singing more pop culture references.

Fear: "Can you feel the burn tonight!"

Thunder: (to Terradive) "I take back what I said earlier, we should have opened with the kid, he's doing all the work for us."

Terra: "Indeed he is."

Payload and the street gang finally arrive to the scene. Payload transforms and holds Carly up with one arm and talks to the others.

Payload: "So what did I miss?"

Terra: (rudely) "Nothing Payload."

Thunder: "Don't you have something better to do?"

Payload: "I'm supposed to be here remember?"

Thunder: "Oh yeah."

Blast: "Let's get em!"

Dropkick: "It's time to play."

Brim: "I feel death in the air."

Splicer continues his attack by shooting Ratchet in the back and Longarm in the chest. He tosses Beachcomber aside and leaps in the air. He lands on Cliffjumper and then uses the momentum to bounce off of him, and repeats this with Wheeljack and Prowl. He crouches down and uses the wheels to drift like Sideswipe. He activates his blades and spins in a circle to cut Sideswipe in the leg and does a sweep kick to knock down Bumblebee. He jumps in the air and takes out all his blades to finish Bumblebee for good, but a hand reaches out and grabs Splicer by the foot, slamming him brutally on a car. The perpetrator was Ironhide who is standing over him. There is fear in Splicer's eyes as he sees Ironhide's arm form a fist over his head. Instead of killing him he gets thumped over the head and is knocked out.

Ironhide: "It's nap time, Splicer. Enjoy it."

Cliff: "Nice work Ironhide."

Prowl: "Could have done that any time you know."

Wheel: "With him out of the way there is nothing that can stop us...(realizing his mistake) dammit!"

In the sky everyone sees the figure of someone everyone knows all too well approaching the city, and that figure is none other than Megatron.

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