Part 19: Vehicon and Seeker Strike

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Prowl: "Beachcomber, think you can get over your grudge to fight these things with me?"

Beach: "The only thing I hate more than the man is Megatron. You got my full help on this one."

Prowl: (smiling) "Good to hear buddy. Autobots, attack!"

Cliff: "Let's kick tailgate!"

The Vehicons come in like a swarm of locusts at the street. Cliffjumper takes out his hammer that transforms into a gatling gun and begins to shoot away. Several Vehicons get shot up so much that they explode. Prowl takes out his pistols and shoots in the spots where their heads would be. That kills them instantly. Sideswipe sends out his mines across the street which damages them and blows out a few of their tires. Ironhide sends out his short range grenades to make a few explode. Of course they can't keep them all back and most of them get close enough to start fighting the Autobots. Longarm on the other hand has other idea as his uranium beam sword comes out and he jams it into the ground as a Vehicon drives toward him and gets sliced in half as it dares the challenge. The other Vehicons begin to transform and charge at the Autobots, and the military begins firing their weapons while Wheeljack reveals two swords and begins to display remarkable skill, especially considering he is an ex Wrecker. He chops several in half and stabs the others, but one gets too close and lands a good punch to the left cheek. Another joins him and the two begins to smack him around, but Bumblebee and Sideswipe each grab one and stab them with their weapons. Beachcomber uses his liquid nitrogen to freeze some solid and shatters them with his fists. Cliffjumper takes his gun and changes it back to a hammer while taking out his energy sword with his other hand. He performs an smash and slash technique on any stupid victims who got to close.

Ratchet uses his buzzsaw to cut Vehicons away from him, but two grab him by the arms and pin him down. Luckily Ironhide comes to the rescue as he grabs them and bashes their heads together. Sideswipe and Bumblebee uses their weapons to make waste of any Vehicons in their way. Sideswipe stabs one right in the visor while Bumblebee sticks his ax through another's head. Jazz uses his new staff to smash some Vehicons, and his small size and speed make him impossible to hit. Wheeljack continues to get pummeled and Sideswipe gets shot in the back. Tyrone is busy shooting up what he can while Bumblebee is kicked from behind. Prowl and Cliffjumper come to Wheeljack's rescue and help him to his feet.

Wheel: "Thanks, Prowl."

Prowl: "You can thank us later, but for right now we need to save this city."

Wheel: "On it."

Cliff: "We got another air strike coming!"

Sure enough Starscream and Thundercracker return to drop a few more missiles before going away. A Vehicon manages to punch Ironhide, and he responds with an even harder punch that breaks his face. Longarm charges at a pack of Vehicons that shoot him in the chest, but his armor is so impressive that all the shots bounce off of him like a rubberband.

Longarm: "Hey guys that tickled."

He takes out the hook from his tow truck mode and takes it through the neck of a poor Vehicon. He then yanks it back and swings it around like a flail and knocks him into the whole pack with only one remaining. Longarm puts away all of his weapons and chats with the remaining Vehicon.

Longarm: "Show me you are man enough, (clapping his chest) hit me with all you got!"

The Vehicon hesitates for a moment and then punches him as hard as he can in the chest, and his arm completely shatters to the Vehicon's horror.

Longarm: "Well that was disappointing, now it's my turn."

Longarm punches the Vehicon in the chest so hard he rips out his spark, and watches him crumple to the floor.

Longarm: "See what happened? You got sloppy."

Prowl, Beachcomber, and Jazz shoot at more Vehicons, they suddenly begin to retreat.

Cliff: "Phew! Glad that's over."

Prowl: "It's not over yet, look!"

Sure enough Thundercracker and Starscream return, and this time the Skywarp clone is with them. The trio transform and land near the Autobots.

Scream: "Surrender Autobots."

Cliff: "Kiss my ass."

Scream: (angry) "Know your place Autobots!"

Cliff: "I know your place is having a bullet right in between your eyes."

Thunder: "Look guys it can go either of two ways. You can either all fight us and die,and whoever is left will be handed to Waspinator and Brimstone, or you could be boring and surrender. Though I think you know which one I would prefer."

Prowl: "We aren't going to surrender Thundercracker."

Thunder: "Good, I was really going to be upset if you were."

Cliff: "Why is Skywarp so silent?"

The clone turns its head to look at him.

Cliff: "That's definitely a clone."

Scream: "Very well, you have all sealed your fate."

Starscream sends out a missile, but it flies over everyone's heads. The Autobots and humans burst out laughing.

Thunder: "Tsk tsk Starscream. I'll show you how it's done."

Thundercracker and the clone send out missiles that cause everyone to scramble. Beachcomber, Wheeljack, and Cliffjumper dogpile Thundercracker while Cliffjumper starts slapping him in the face.

Cliff: (while slapping) "Take this you dirty Decepticon!"

Thundercracker responds with a headbutt and shakes off the other two and shoots Beachcomber with his gun. Cliffjumper goes over to help Longarm and Prowl against Starscream, but it doesn't seem like they need it.

Longarm: "Come on Starscream don't be stupid."

Prowl: "Let him, it will be funny."

Cliff: "What are you waiting for high heels?"

Scream: (enraged) "This will teach you respect!"

Starscream runs out with his claws sharpened as he tries to slash Cliffjumper, but he dodges each attack. The last attack manages to cut off the very tip of one of Cliffjumper's horns.

Cliff: "Hey, that was my favorite horn!"

Cliffjumper takes out his gatling gun and shoots at Starscream, who screams in fear while getting shot in the rear. He transformers and retreats for the time being."

Prowl: "Well look at him go, classic Starscream."

Meanwhile Jazz, Bumblebee, Sideswipe, and the Military are dealing with the Skywarp clone. They pelt him with fire, and then the clone unleashes its ultimate weapon. He shoots out a black ball that hovers in midair, and Jazz knows all too well what it is.

Jazz: "Black hole! Everybody run!"

Everyone tries to retreat, but the ball slowly begins to burn until the energy is released inside, making a black hole the size of a small house. Tanks, people, and cars all get sucked in as Bumblebee and Sideswipe try holding onto Jazz, but his grip slips and he gets sucked in, and the portal closes behind him.

Side: "Jazz no!"

Bee: "We can still free him, but we got to put that clone down fast."

Longarm: "I hate to be the one to put a bigger burden on everyone, but we have bigger problems."

Sure enough in the sky they can see the forms of Terradive and Fearswoop coming to join the party.

Prowl: -sigh- "Of course it has to be them."

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