Chapter 8

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        Chapter 8

        "I am being held here against my will by that monster over there," I said as I nodded my head in Jen's direction. Sally was sitting across from me and just shook her head at me.

        "Oh come on! You can't say that it's your birthday around Jen and not expect a big celebration. Although, I'm kind of worried about the guys." Sally looked at Jen, who was dancing with someone who's name I'd forgotten, then turned back to face me.

        "Which guys?" I asked. "Your mates or the clueless nonwerewoves dancing with Jen?"


        Jen had gone way over with this "party". What happened was that Jen had somehow known that I would be the mate of Percy without a doubt by the looks of it. She had thrown the equivalent of a girl's night out and forget about being with someone party. She obviously didn't tell the male mated werewolves about this or the poor human boys would be...well, dead. Mated werewolves are very protective of what's theirs, and VERY jealous. 

        She had driven Sally, a few other mated girls, and me to a dance club, that was decorated with pink and black streamers, balloons, and a huge banner saying, "Happy 18th Birthday, Crystal!" on it. It seemed nice at first, but then half dressed guys with ties came out onto the dance floor and asked all of us to dance. The DJ started playing "DJ Got Us Falling in Love" and Jen and the other girls picked their guys and started to dance. There were lights flashing everywhere with a huge disco ball hanging down from the ceiling and fog machines in every corner of the room. The bar was only serving sodas and waters because I was still underage and that was perfectly fine by me. Sally had made Jen not to serve anything alcoholic and thankfully, Jen listened.

        The girl's mates were back at the mansion having no idea what was going on because everyone had put up a wall between their connection or whatever. I had no idea what they had meant by that but I guess I'll soon find out. 

        I took a sip of my water when one of the shirtless guys came over to where I was sitting. "Would you like to dance with the rest of us on the dance floor, Birthday Girl?" He had light brown hair and amber eyes. He had a wicked smile on and I was just about to turn him down when Jen walked over. 

        "Crystal, you have to dance. Come on!" Jen yelled over the thumping music. Just then Katy Perry's E.T. blasted from the speakers, and Jen grabbed my arms and hauled me over to the dance floor. 

        'You're going to dance and that's final!" She yelled. I looked around and saw that Sally was dancing with Monica, a young mated werewolf and two shirtless guys. Amber eyes came over to where Jen and I were dancing and started to dance next to us. When Jen screamed her own lyrics to the song while dancing, I couldn't help but laugh and actually jump and dance. 

        "You're so hypno-something, could you be the devil? Could you be an angel? Your touch is something good, feels like going floating, leaves my body glowing!" Jen's crazy singing just made me laugh harder. 

        "They said I'm afraid. You're not like the others, futuristic werewolves', different DNA, they like to command you!" By now , Sally has come over and was dancing too. We were all coming up with our own lyrics and it was amazing.

        After a while, E.T. fades out and Rihanna's "Stay" starts to play. Suddenly Sally and Jen were nowhere to be seen and I was left alone with Amber Eyes. 

        "Now I can finally dance with the Birthday Girl." He wrapped his arms around my waist and pulled me close to him. I tried to break free of his hold, but he had a rock hard grip and wouldn't let me go. It seemed like the more I struggled, the more tightly he held on to me and pulled me closer. 

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