Chapter 51

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Age 12:

Tonight was the night: (Y/N)'s birthday party.

Her new "Friend" was going to be there.

But no... I wouldn't let that happen. She was trying to take my friend from me...

(Y/N) wasn't supposed to be friends with anyone else... so I have to do something about it.

Standing in the shed outside of my isolated home, I carefully pulled the giant hammer from the nail on the wall. It was heavy in my hands, but effective.

Aside from the beatings I receive from my dad everyday, he could care less when I leave the house, so this plan will work perfectly.

I sighed, emotions swirling around inside my head. I was angry. Angry at the fact (Y/N) was being taken away from me. She was my comfort, my friend... and now this new girl was trying to steal her away.

My grip around the hammer tightened even more, a scowl evident in my features.

It's okay, (Y/N)... you'll be mine again soon.

You will thank me sooner or later.



As soon as the door to the club opened, I was hit by the feeling of being somewhere I shouldn't. The first thing that I noticed, was the different flashes of color, lighting up the dance floor as women and men moved together in sync.

The second thing was the music, just loud, endless noise that I couldn't really find rhythm to. The music was just causing my ears to strain, and my head throbbed just a little.

A few men turned to stare at me, eyes scanning my body up and down. This made me feel even more uncomfortable, so I pulled Tanner's coat even closer, an attempt to hide myself. Tanner was still next to me, his hand squeezing my wrist even harder. I ignored the faint ache in my wrist, and turned to look at Adam, who was scanning the large crowd silently.

When he spoke, he had to raise his voice in order to be heard over the blasting music. "Okay... everyone got what they need to do?"

Clint replied first, tugging at the collar of his shirt nervously. "Yeah... you were taking me to meet people... and then (Y/N) and Tanner will wait around for suspicious people."

At this point, the flashing lights, head pounding music, and huge crowds of people were making me dizzy. I almost tripped over myself as Adam nodded, looking at everyone with confidence. His stern gaze settled on Tanner, who was anxiously glancing at the people scattered across the dance floor.

"Tanner... if you and (Y/N) see anything off, then give me a call. Clint and I will be there immediately."

Tanner gave Adam a reassuring nod, his hand squeezing mine for a brief moment. "We will."

I don't know why, but there was something off in Tanner's tone. I just couldn't put my finger on it. Clint swallowed, looking anxiously to Adam, then to the huge crowds of people. "So uh... who are we looking for again?"

Adam chuckled, nodding to the far corner of the dance floor. I followed his gaze, squinting my eyes so that I could see through the blurriness in my vision. Standing against the wall, was a huge looking man, tattoos lining up his muscular arms. He wore a tight black T shirt, and from what I could gather, he looked pretty pissed.

"You see that guy right there?" Adam asked, looking back to Clint, who was now slouching a bit, fear painted onto his face. Without waiting for him to even nod his head, Adam continued. "That's Dimitri. He's one of the people who work for me. Let's go and have a chat with him! The others should be here soon..."

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