Chapter 45

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A/N : Ayye! I got to post!! Sorry it's so late, I had to meet up with teachers again.

This chapter is ironically a shorter one, but you'll probably like it... ;3

Btw I just released the new Connor x Reader fanfic, to those who were requesting it!

The prologue will be posted shortly, sorta like an apology for not having daily chapters this week T-T


I admit, after stepping into the warm, refreshing water of Tanner's shower, I stayed in there for a good half hour. It felt amazing to scrub the stench off my body, from having my clothes on for two days straight, and the sweat from my fever.

After rinsing my hair of shampoo, I was finally ready to get out. I turned the water off, pushed the curtains to the side, and stepped out. I audibly cursed at the realization that I didn't grab myself a towel, not to mention Tanner didn't have any spare clothes of my own to wear.

Feeling myself flush with embarrassment, I sighed, and then trudged over to the closed bathroom door, leaning a shoulder against it. "Tanner!" I called.


I gasped, jumping back as Tanner's voice responded immediately, right outside the door. Heart racing, I stepped forward again, wrapping my arms around my body.

"What the actual fuck? Were you there the whole time? Fucking creep!"

Tanner burst into hysterical laughter, and I thought I heard a little wheeze as well. "You're hilarious! You know that?"

My blood boiled, and I bit back a harsh retort. Instead, I drew in a breath, and then kept my voice calm. "Listen, dude... I don't have a towel in here, so can I please get one?" I waited for his response, only to hear a snort, and then a teasing voice.

"Oh? You want my help? Well, then perhaps I could come in and take a peek?"

My heart almost exploded as I felt the door knob jiggle. I locked it immediately with a huff. "Tanner, you do anything and I will fold your whole body up."

"What does that even mean?" He called back. I could hear the smile in his tone.

I couldn't help but grin as well, still blushing with rather uncultured fantasies running rampant in my head. I leaned harder against the door and said, "Whatever... can I please just have a towel?"

"What's the magic word?"

I heard another stifled giggle, and I sighed, shaking my head. This man was back to being his childish self after we cleared the air.

"Uhhhhh.... is it Organs123?" I asked, twisting my features in confusion.

Tanner responded, holding in a snort. "Sorry, but that was incorrect!"

Scowling, I clenched my fist tightly and shouted, "Tanner, if you don't give my bare ass a towel, then you'll join Thomas in his grave!"

"Ouchie..." Tanner pouted. I could just imagine his upturned eyes and bottom lip sticking out. "Little person make big booboo on my heart."

I couldn't help but hit my head against the wall a little, frowning deeply. "I'm freezing in here, just give me a towel, and then I need to go home and get clothes." I shivered, noticing that the water from my body was getting his tiled floor soaked.


Tanner chuckled one more time, before saying, "Alright, alright! You win!"

"Thank goodness for that... asshole."

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