PART XVII - 3 Years Later

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Kitty sat in front of her night stand, admiring herself. She looked beautiful as she always does; she had done her make up, had put on her glimmering princess style dress, diamond jewelry - or what is left of her collection - and the most comfortable high heels thanks to Guy Ponton ( an inspiring shoe designers, a new friend of Kitty's).

Oh, if this clock would've just turn already! She thought impatiently as she walked back and forth in her apartment; nervous and excited at the same time. It was after all a very big event she was going to - historical even!

Kitty peered at the clock on the wall for a hundred times and yet she still have 30 minutes to spare before her designated driver would picked her up. Why is it when one is waiting for something the clock seems to crawl slower than usual? She mumbled to herself.

At last she couldn't wait any longer that she decided to wait in the lobby instead. There, at least would be Pierre; a security guard/receptionist at her building to keep her company, to talk to her, to get her mind off of things.

"Ah, madmoiselle James! Que jolie!" said Pierre admiringly as Kitty stepped out of the elevator.

"Pierre, thank you," she said smiling shyly.

"You are early," said he in a thick French accent. "Your driver hasn't arrived yet."

"I know! I'm just anxious, I couldn't wait."

"Understandable," Pierre smiled while nodding his head.

Pierre looked at Kitty admiringly, then took her hands and held it tight. "Oh, madmoiselle, I'm so proud of you!"

"Thank you, Pierre," Kitty said again. There were a lot of things she wished to say like how much she wanted her parents to be with her this very night or how much she wanted that one person to sit among the people that would attend this very important ceremony but, all of the feelings and wishes she felt seemed to have swelled her heart, leaving her speechless.

The phone in the back office of Pierre's rang. The old guy gave Kitty's hand another squeezed before he disappeared into the room to picked up the phone. Kitty looked around her, trying to decide what to do while waiting beside pacing back and forth some more when she caught a sight of a news headline:

EXCLUSIVE! The wedding of the century
Prince Robert Windsor of England with Lady Edith Backbroke.

Yes, this news have been in circle for months now and tomorrow is finally the big day for Robert. Kitty smiled, especially when she read a line that said: 'after the fiasco with a Drizzela of a ballerina 3 years ago, Prince Robert finally found his Cinderella, the real Princess to be his wife'.

A year ago if Kitty would've read that line, she probably would get angry and sank into a deep state of depression. Remembering all that she had done and lost and how Robert betrayed her. How the people of England hated her, ridiculed her, antagonizing her -  It all had hurt her. However, wound and broken heart healed as time goes by especially when love wasn't involved in the first place. Now, she smiled and wish Robert every happiness.

She had never has that chance to become the Queen of England - it has never been in her grasp no matter how crazy Robert felt towards her. She knew that, she understood that and she was at last at peace with it.

Quickly Kitty scanned for the page numbers on the magazine. It wasn't Robert that she had intended to read about. He was of course on the front page as he is the future King of England but there was someone's picture in the corner there, with his own news that Kitty was surprised to find and impatient to read.

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