PART XVI -- The End

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After careful research done by Kitty, it has been decided that Robert and Kitty would appeared on the Kate Redmayne show. It was a very famous show with millions of audience per episode and it was what Kitty needed.

It was the evening of the show and much like the backstage of the royal opera house before the ballet start, it was busy with people passing by in panic so did the backstage of Kate Redmayne Show. Kitty sat in front of the makeup table, wearily waiting for Robert to show up.

"Have you seen, Robert?" asked Kitty to the executive producer.

"No," she replied shortly before going back to her work.

It was 5 minutes before the show and still no Robert. Kitty grew more and more restless. Her confident had gone view minutes ago. She felt more alone now than she ever felt in her whole life.

Deep down inside, she knew that Robert wouldn't came at all. And she'd be right to. The minute Tommy had been told about Robert's plan on appearing at the Kate Redmayne show he finally opened his mouth to the Prince to voice his disagreement.

"Your royal highness, I advise you not to appear on the show at all. I'm sorry if I will sound impudent but I am your secretary and it is my job to take care of you, Sir. Appearing on public won't help with anything, sir. Nothing could change the fact about Miss James's past and they will want you to answer about it and what could you say? They hate her because she is a prostitute and a gold digger and they're not wrong, sir. And the fact remain, sir, that in the end if you chose to stick with her, you must abdicate. I know she's your favorite, sir, but you must ask yourself whether she is worth losing the crown for. Most of all, you should ask yourself whether or not you're really in love with her or is she just satisfy you so in bed that you become so addicted to her. Addiction can be fix, sir but love can't. So, what is it?"

Robert has sat silently, thinking about the wisdom that his secretary had told him. Tommy was right, appearing on a talk show would backfire. He was a prince, the future king, he would lose his integrity if he was humiliated in public.

The show was about to start, still no Robert. Kitty sat in front of her makeup table, frozen with fear and disappointment.

"Hi, Miss James," Kate Redmayne, the host visited Kitty in her dressing room.

"Hi, ehm, I'm sorry, Miss Redmayne, but do you think you could wait for Robert for a little bit?"

"You'll do just fine, dear," said Kate assuredly.

After Kate visit things just got dazed, Kitty was directed to the backstage, ready to make an entrance. She refused but no one seemed to listened to her. Without even knowing what was happening, Kitty found herself pushed to the stage with cameras and lights pointed at her. Kate kindly brought Kitty to sit on the sofa next to her.

"So, Miss Penelope James but people call you Kitty. Can I call you Kitty?" began Kate.

"Of course," answer Kitty shortly.

"So, Kitty, can you tell us everything about you that we don't already know," Kate and the audience immediately burst into laughter.

"I was a ballerina," that was all Kitty managed to utter in her complete confused and humiliated state.

"I know that!" exclaimed Kate as the audience once again burst into laughter. "It's just a common information, Kitty, I think I got even more detailed information than that! Like this one for instance," Kate looked at the report that her researchers has compiled about Kitty.

"You were once a stripper at the Horns and apparently you were a favorite! You made five hundred pounds every night from the Horns. That was a lot of money, Kitty but then again Ballet is a very expensive occupation with so little income,"

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