PART XI -- Tennessee Waltz

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Brad sat on the pier alone, thinking about Kitty. His heart had been broken over and over again by the same woman. Brad remembered the Kitty that he loved. A woman who danced so elegantly, who talked to him with so much passion that made Brad jealous of her ability to pursued her ambition, who caressed Brad's hair softly and who kissed him so sweetly with burning passion.

He didn't see that Kitty today. Kitty that he saw today was a cold, heartless, materialistic girl with ambition that was too big for her own good. He had thought--he had been so sure that she loved him too, but now he knew that she was not. He had been a fool indeed. He loved Kitty so much, that he knew for sure, but also he knew that he could never made her love him. He wasn't a prince, and if being a Queen is what Kitty desired then he should just steps aside because he could never fulfilled that one, ever!

That night Kitty couldn't sleep. Robert laid besides her, sleeping so soundly without knowing that Kitty who slept next to him was crying, sobbing softly, remembering the man that she loved who had gone.

Kitty took the green ribbon that Brad gave her from the nightstand by her bed and kissed it. She remembered how she had felt when Brad gave her the green ribbon. It wasn't an expensive gift but it worth more than any expensive gift any man have ever gave her.

The song Tennessee Waltz played over and over in her mind tonight. She remembered how they have danced through the song one night at Brad's little, cluttered flat. They have been looking for a pair of scissors that night instead they found a record that had belonged to Brad's great grandmother.

They were so curious about the records, they never knew such song, Tennessee Waltz, exist. So, Brad fished out his mother's old gramophone that he remembered he had put on the back of the closet and played the record. The song played softly and Brad asked Kitty to dance. Brad's flat was really small that they had to move the sofa to make a little room for them to dance.

Kitty leaned her head on Brad's chest as they sway to the sound of the old song. That night was the first time Kitty had acknowledge her true feeling for Brad. Kitty remembered exactly how the song went that night, she remembered how fragrance Brad smelled. The night of the Tennessee Waltz was her heaven.

I remember the night of the Tennessee waltz
Now I know just how much I have lost...

"Mrs. Carson, I have broken you son's heart and in doing so I have broken mine," said Kitty as she wiped her tears away.

The tears have been rolling on her eyes for 2 days now. She never knew such grieve before; grieve of losing the ones you loved.

Kitty visited Mrs. Carson's graveyard the next day after her falling out with Brad. She had brought a bouquet of yellow poppies with her and realized the day before Brad had come to the graveyard and brought his mother a bouquet of white roses. She held the bouquet tightly, she once again cried as she would if she ever hold Brad once more.

"I love your son, Mrs. Carson. I do love your son very much but I know myself. How long do you think before Brad realized how demanding and obnoxious I really am and leave me? How long does it take before the love runs out?"

Kitty sighed. The hurt had changed to a determination.

"I better be a queen,"

It has been 6 months since the falling out between Brad and Kitty. Kitty missed Brad so much but restrained herself from calling him. She had broken his heart and it probably the best if she stayed away from him so as to not giving him a false hope and ended up breaking his heart yet again. But Kitty missed him too much to stay away for too long. So one day, after her practice she decided she would drove around Brad's new neighborhood, hoping to catch a glimpse of him but tonight, she didn't see Brad.

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