PART VI -- Royalty

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The next morning Kitty woke up, lying next to Prince Robert who was still sleeping. He looked so peaceful and so ordinary; he doesn’t look like a prince of England when he was sleeping. Kitty smiled proudly, this for sure would be her first and last time sleeping with prince of England but she will have a bragging right for the rest of her life. And that’s what matters.

Kitty left the Ritz quietly without waking Robert up. She rushed home, couldn’t hardly wait to see Brad. She had missed him all through the night and wondering of his whereabouts. When Kitty made it home, she found Brad sitting on the couch, he was silent, trying hard to suppress crying.

“What happened?” Kitty murmured softly. Actually, she has pretty good idea what happened but she didn’t want to believe it before it came out of Brad’s mouth.

“My mom passed away last night,” answered Brad shortly.

Kitty dropped her gym bag out of shock. She rushed towards Brad and hugged him tightly as if she could take away the sadness. Kitty was just as desolated with the news of the death of her best friend. She was fond of Mrs. Carson, that old lady has been like a mother to her even in her stroke paralyzed state.

That afternoon, Brad and Kitty buried Mrs. Carson. Kitty cried so hard that it exhausted her. She has never again cried that hard after her parents’ funeral. Brad and Kitty put the sunflowers bouquet on top of the graveyard before their departure.

Kitty took Brad to the pier to cheer him up. They both didn’t say a word and they didn’t have to. Sometimes, silence between them was more comfortable than words. Kitty leaned her head to Brad’s shoulder.

That evening Kitty came back to the Royal Opera House for the second performance of Cinderella. In her heart, the dance she was about to perform was a tribute to Mrs. Carson and for Brad.

Yet another success when after the performance the audiences gave standing ovation as the curtain is closing. Kitty went back to the dressing room when she caught a familiar face waiting for her with a single white lily on his hand, it was Brad.

“Brad, darling! How’s my performance?” Kitty hugged Brad and kissed him on the cheek.

“It’s marvelous! You’re very talented, Kitty. I’m so proud of you,” Brad gave Kitty the white lily.

“Oh, Brad! It’s beautiful. I love it. I thought you won’t come tonight.”

“No, I have to come, I have to see my sweetheart dancing and give her flower,” Brad caressed Kitty’s cheek affectionately. 

“Kitty James?” asked a flower delivery man, standing next to Brad out of nowhere.

“Yes,” answered Kitty shortly.

“For you,” the delivery man handed her a big bouquet of pink roses, in it was a card.

It was from Prince Robert again. Kitty had thought that her story with the prince would be over, that the magic was broken when the sun came up but the pink roses bouquet proven otherwise. Was this meant that the prince was hooked on Kitty like other men before him?

“Who is it from?” asked Brad.

“Brad, I’ve been meaning to tell you...”

“Good evening,” said Robert who without even getting noticed was now standing next to Kitty. “How do you like the bouquet, Kitty?”

“It’s beautiful, Robert. Thank you,” said Kitty with a big, sensual smile that she often used every time she received a gift from men. The smile that she knew so well will make the men’s heart melted.

“I’m glad you like it,” Robert took Kitty’s hand and kissed it. “I had a good time last night. It was too bad when I woke up I couldn’t find you,”

“Oh, I’m sorry, Robert, I just hate to wake you up, you slept so sound, I hate to bother your sleep,”

“How about dinner tonight, Kitty?”

“I would love to,” said Kitty excitedly but then she suddenly felt bad when she caught gaze of Brad. “Oh, Robert, this is my friend, Brad. Brad, this is Prince Robert,”

“Call me Robert, nice to meet you, Brad,” Robert reached out for a hand shake.

“Are you sure you don’t want to be called Your Royal Highness?” Brad shook Robert hand.

“Robert would do just fine,” Robert turned to Kitty and kissed her on the lips. “I’ll wait for you,” He and the body guards then left.

“Brad, I’ve been meaning to tell you...”

“No, Kitty, it’s fine,” Brad was silent for a second and then continued. “I have to go, you have fun with the prince,”

Brad left the Royal Opera House with disappointment and a broken heart. He has a reservation made for Kitty and him at the restaurant that honestly cost him so much money that all he could afford after all that was a single white lily, it wasn’t even bouquet just one single stem of white lily.

But now it all goes to waste and he didn’t even thinking about the money. Kitty has gone out with the prince, it’s the prince of England! There was no more chance for Brad anymore.

Brad has realized from the very beginning that girl like Kitty would never settle for less. Kitty whom possession she hoard on her car, every expensive clothes men bought him, every expensive jewelry they gave him, she store it all in her car and adamant to never sell it no matter how badly in need of money she was. Kitty was a materialistic girl and girl like her won’t come cheap.

Brad used to despise shallow, materialistic girls, he always steer clear from them. But Kitty was different, yes, she was a materialistic girl, she could be shallow at times but she got more passions, more kindness and childlike wonder that no other girls seem to possess and that was what made Brad lost his heart on her.

He used to think that he got a chance with Kitty. Somehow he knew that his life wasn’t meant just to be a janitor. He was certain that his life would change for the better once he put his mind to it, and Kitty would be the ultimate dream that he would reached one day but perhaps now he waited too long to turned his life around because a prince has stolen his chance. A prince of England, a little chance that he could compete with that. 

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