Chapter 5

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I am so so sorry! I have a huge writer's block and even though I hate what I wrote, I felt like I needed to update. I hope I'll get the inspiration to write again.. But for now: enjoy 😊

Pippa's P.O.V.
After a couple minutes of walking through the park, Nick had to take another break.

He sat down on a bench and hunched over again. Arms still tightly wrapped around his stomach.

"Are you dizzy? Nauseas? Seasick?" Joe asked him. Seasick? The idiot...

Nick laughed at his stupidity. "Want to go home?" Nick shook his head. "I don't want to ruin your day.

"You're not ruining our day if you're sick, Nick. Because even with Diabetes, you're still a person who gets sick every once in a while." Nick sighs. "I'm not sick." Nick defends himself.

Kevin cards his fingers through Nick's curls to feel his temperature. "He doesn't feel warm, but the water shower from this morning might be getting to him."

"You guys go. I'll stay here with him and see what he needs." I wrap my arm around Nick's shoulder and he leans into me with his eyes closed.

"Do you feel like you're going to puke?" Joe asks Nick. He shakes his head. Even though Nick lies a lot about this stuff to hide how he really feels, he never lies when he answers this question. Because when he feels like throwing up, he knows he's going to do it so he answers honestly.

After a couple more hours of walking and sitting around, occasionally meeting with the others for a check-up, we went back to the car.

We thanked them profusely for the day, the fun times, the restaurant, the ride and everything else. Kevin drove us home and we helped Nick inside who went straight to bed.

Frankie and Joe met up with our parents to tell them about the day we had. I went after Nick to see how he's holding up.

Nick is asleep when I enter his room. I take off his shoes for him and pull a blanket over his shivering body. I set a couple of alarms for myself to make sure I check his levels while he is out of it.

Leaving him to rest, I went to my room. I put on some music with headphones for Nick and grabbed my laptop. I sat down on my bed, pulling my laptop on my lap and opening it. Turning it on, a picture of our family appeared in the background. I logged in and felt like watching something.

Searching the internet, I looked for something interesting to watch. As soon as I found something, I turned off the music I'd been playing and clicked on the movie to play.

After half an hour, I have to turn it off. Mom finished up dinner and asked for me to come down. I went to check up on Nick to be sure, but he is still sound asleep. I secretly test his levels. They seem okay for now.

"Nick is asleep. Want to let him?" I ask mom as I hop down the stairs. "Yes, let him sleep for now. Kevin told me he wasn't feeling well." I nod and sit down at the table. It's only dad, mom and Frankie at the table.

Joe stumbled down the stairs to join us as well.

As soon as mom had served dinner, I heard some commotion upstairs. I made a run for it. I found Nick hunched over the toilet in the bathroom. He's puking up his guts. I turn my head away from the bad smell. I'm surprised he can throw up this much. He barely had anything today.

I walk over to him and let him finish. Knowing Nick, he wouldn't want to be touched until he's given the go ahead.

He gives me the go ahead once he's done. I help him up towards the sink and let him clean up and drink a sip of water.

"Thanks." He tells me as I drag him back to his bed. "No problem. You okay? Please be honest with me." I beg him.

He sighs before nodding. "Not that well." But that's all he says about it.

He gets under the covers, pulling them up to his chin. "Sleep. Get better." He's already knocked out. I once again test his numbers. Throwing up usually throws his levels around. They went down, but nothing near a danger zone.

I explained that Nick threw up, sound asleep with okay levels. We finished dinner and I went back to my movie. Joe soon joined me on my bed.

I took out one of my earbuds. He looks at me with a big smile. "What do you want?" I ask him.

"Why would you say that? Why can't your best big brother sit with you." He says.

"Usually when you show up with a big smile without words, you want something. So get on with it. What is it?" I ask him.

"Mom asked me to wake up at four to check up on Nick. She's going to check on him herself at one. Will you take mine? I'm beat. I love him, but I don't think that I can wake up at four."

"Sooo, you love him, but you don't want to get up at four? Is that it? You lazy shit!" I slap his arm.

"No. I love him, that's why I'm asking you to do it, because I know I won't be able to." He says.

"Fine. I'll do it." I surrender.

"Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!" He hops off my bed and skips to his own room. I laugh at his silliness. Sometimes he can be way too much. I remember the old days where I liked to slam the door in his face when I thought he was way too loud.

I set my alarm for four in the morning and went downstairs to say goodnight to mom and dad.

"Will you check on Nick again when you go upstairs?" Mom asks after I tell them goodnight.

"Yeah, I will. You check him at one right? I'll check him again at four." I tell her.

"I asked Joe to check him at four." Mom frowns. "And he asked me, because he doesn't think he can get up." Mom chuckles in response, but only because she knows I'll take good care of Nick through this.

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