Chapter 9

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Yay! New chapter!

Nick's P.O.V.
Joe has to stay in the hospital for a day or two before he gets released. He took quite a blow to the head. He also has to recover from the operation where they put a pin in his arm. He's got a cast now that I got to sign first.

I still haven't decided what to name Doodle. For now, it's just a nickname, because Kevin told me to think about it. I think he's right, but I have no idea how to name him. He's seriously the kindest dog I've ever met. He sticks with me or with Pippa if I'm out. He stays with me in my room and is always there for me. I got him a giant dog bed and I got him some food after we went for a check-up at the vet.

They looked for a chip to find out the age of the dog. We reported it to the police, before the owner does decide to come back for him and report us for stealing the dog.

I'm already very much in love with him.

I don't know if he's got to do anything with it, but these last two days, my levels kept itself on the down low. They stayed within the right ranges with one or two exceptions that I got to fix easily with a juice or an extra bolus. It's a miracle.

I've been feeling so much better that I picked up the guitar again. I've played some old songs and some new songs. I don't have the energy yet to write new ones. Writing songs can be very intense. Especially when emotions run high.

Running a hand through my curls, I get up to get myself a snack. My appetite is slowly returning, which is a good thing.

Mom, dad, Joe and Pippa have been taking great care of me. I have relied on them for years, but these last few ones I've relied on them to keep me alive. Which is too much to ask. I know.

I see Frankie in the kitchen, working on some schoolwork of his. I walk up behind him and hug him. It startles him and he tries to fight me off. "Don't do that." I tell him. Frankie stops fighting and lets me hug him. My arms wrapped around his torso. My face in his shoulder. This feels nice.

Frankie chuckles. "To what do I owe this pleasure?"

"For everything. Just everything." I respond.

"Oh..." He wraps his arms over mine and sits there while hugging me back.

After a couple minutes I release him. His schoolwork long forgotten.

He looks at me funny while I prepare the snack I want.

"I don't know why you did that, but I'm not going to hulk out anymore. If that's what you were going for." He laughs.

"I know you won't. Otherwise, our hulks will meet." I drag him from the bar stool and playfully fight with him. I'm on top of him tickling him. "You did not just do that!" He pinches my arm painfully. My response gives him time to flip us around. He pins my arms to the ground.

"One who isn't strong, must be smart to win." He laughs. "You gonna get off of me?" I ask him.

"Nope." He grins.

I'm way stronger than he is, so I lift my arms, wrap my arms around his torso and flip us around once more. I pin his arms to the floor. "Damn, you're strong." He says.

"Keep that in mind. I will always win from you, Tank." I tell him. He shakes his head.

"You just wait. One day I will beat you!" I get off of him and help him up, patting his back. He goes back to his schoolwork while I sit down across from him with my snack.

"What are you doing?" I ask him. "Geometry." He responds.

"Did you know Kevin asked me to stay over tonight. For fun." He says.

"No, I did not know that. That's going to be fun, right?" I ask him. He nods.

"Yeah, it will be fun. It's actually why I'm doing my homework right now." He smiles.

I chuckle. "You're the perfect son." He flicks his hair back with pride. I have this nagging feeling this wasn't real, but I'm not going to point it out to him. He'll go all hulk smash on me again. He's off the hook. For now.

Once he's finished, he packs up his books. I ruffle his hair before he gets the chance to leave. "You ruined my perfect hair." He groans.

Right when Frankie leaves, mom enters the kitchen.

"Have you walked Doodle yet?" She asks me. I nod. "I have."

"Great." She responds. Of course I'm going to walk him. I'm not going to risk the chance of losing him. Not that I think our parents will get rid of him, because let's be honest. Mom's already falling in love with him. How can't she. He's the cutest boy in this household. There are quite a lot of boys in this house.

"How are you feeling today honey?" I widen my eyes when she puts her palm on my forehead. "I'm not sick anymore mom" I groan.

"But I will do that when I want to." She says. "I'm not a little kid anymore." I whine.

"You keep that up and I will start treating you like one again. Besides, you will always be one of my babies." She teases. "You know I like to tease you, but I do want you to know that your father and I are always here for you. No matter what you need. Except for tons of money at once." She jokes to keep it light.

I nod in response. "I know, mom. Thanks."

"Always for you, baby." She gives me a hug from the side. Dad walks into the kitchen and over to me. "You can give me a kiss on the head, but no hugs. I've had enough hugs to last the week. Month even!" Both mom and dad laugh, and dad uses the opportunity to kiss the top of my head.

I'm not very fond of physical touch, but it's a nice reassurance. They love to show us how much they love us. It's always been very important to them. For instance, when dad resigned from his job at the church or when I got diagnosed with Diabetes.

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