Chapter 19

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It's been a hectic month, but here's the next one. Hope you like it :)

Nick's P.O.V.
Ever since I've been awake, I've been so angry with myself. I didn't know what I was thinking when I said what I said to Frankie. I never should have said anything like that to him at all. I was so tired after everything and I had finally gotten a little bit of sleep after I had been awake all evening/night due to my levels acting up. Alcohol does me no good. But oh well. Lesson not learned. I will make that mistake again.

My face feels like I've been hit awake by a brick wall. It had only been Joe with a pillow. Maybe he did put a brick in it. Nothing is ever for certain when it comes to Joe.

I felt so guilty for my words after Joe fried my ass. I had completely forgotten about the events from last night in my half-awake state of mind.

I wonder if I was ever made to be a good big brother, because all I seem to be doing is screwing things up. With him and with her. Joe and Kevin are so much better at it than I am and I envy them for it. I even envy Pippa for being a better older sibling for Frankie than I am.

Rubbing my face to hopefully clear my head a bit, I get up to brush my teeth. I don't feel like showering this morning, so I get dressed after that and just hang out on my bed for a bit with my phone.

I scroll through Instagram and look through some of the fan art that has surfaced. A lot of fans are really talented. I've seen some amazing stuff come by. I'm always careful when liking something, because I don't want to deliver credit to someone who's only reposted the art or stole and posted it without giving the actual artist the rightful credits.

All I'm doing right now is stalling the inevitable. Joe will most likely have told everyone in the house by now and I don't feel like running into mom, dad or Pippa because like Joe, they will hand me my ass. If mom and dad are home. I've not figured that out yet. There's a possibility they're not even home, but I'm not willing to find out for as long as I can manage.

I also don't want to run into Frankie. I don't think I can face him now. No apology will ever be enough. Not when we've been apologizing to them for at least the past year or so.

When I have had enough of stalling, I go to Frankie's room in the hope to apologize or at least help a bit by explaining all that I had been dealing with last night. Not that that's any excuse.

I get to his room and I see him putting some things in a little box. His eyes fill with fear when he notices me. He scrambles the stuff together even faster. I walk over and my mouth opens. My eyes widen in shock as well. I can't believe what I see. Pills, a syringe. No. No way. Not him.

"Tank? What are you doing." I ask him scarily quiet. He continues to close the box but doesn't hide it yet. He hangs his head in shame. "Frankie, please?" I beg him to talk to me.

Before we know it, we're in a screaming match. He's not admitting to using the things I saw, but I know what I saw. I try to reach past him for the box, but he's not letting me.

Joe and Pippa enter the room. Joe goes off on me and Frankie fled the room.

"Joe! Listen to me! Frankie. Is. Using." I look him intently in the eyes to let him know I'm not joking around. "What do you mean he's using?" Joe is completely lost. As is Pippa behind him.

"Drugs. He's using drugs." I clarify. "What? How? Why? He's only thirteen years old!" Joe rambles.

"Don't believe me? Look in the box on his bed." I point behind me to the little box still in the bed. Joe sits on the bed and opens the box. He gasps when he sees the number of pills and other things in there.

"This is bad, isn't it?" Pippa whispers. Nick wraps his arms around her to comfort her.

She grabs his shirt tightly as she waits for my reply. "Yeah, it is."

"What are we going to do? Should we call mom?" I shake my head in response. "Not yet. Maybe Kevin. I'm not sure. I don't want to spook him. We do need to confront him because he has to stop. We have to make sure he's not addicted yet and help him."

"It's my fault, isn't it?" Nick asks. "No. Don't take the blame Nick. This could have been going on for years for all we know."

"He's only thirteen years old..." Nick mutters. "Where does he even get the stuff?"

"No one knows. He could be getting it from the corner of some random street or maybe he's frauding. Maybe old friends of ours. People we don't know. Who knows... You have never noticed any of this, right?" I ask Pippa.

She shakes her head. "You don't think I would have said something if I had the slightest idea Frankie might be a drug addict? He's not even near the age to drink. So no, Joe. I had no clue this was going on." Nick squeezes her to stop her.

"Everyone is tense right now. We have to stick together, not fight. For Frankie."

"What now? We go and find him?" Finding him seems an impossible job. No one knows where he went off to. Frankie has been known in this family for his good hiding spots.

"We should call Kevin to include him in the search. We could also call Brandon. You have his number?" I ask Pippa for Frankie's best friends number. She nods.

"Alright, call him and have him meet up with us here if he wants to help us. I'll go call Kevin."

With that we split up to set up a search party for Frankie.

Naabot mo na ang dulo ng mga na-publish na parte.

⏰ Huling update: Aug 06, 2023 ⏰

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