Chapter 8

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I am so thankful for everyone that stayed with me while I went through writer's block. I still have it, but somehow for now I got two chapters out of me!

Last chapter ended kind of with a cliffhanger and I didn't want to leave you hanging that long. I hope you all like this one :)

A massive thank you from me to everyone that stuck around for the new chapters! You are all the best! 💕

(It's kind of not proofread as I wrote this just now in one go on my phone. Sorry if there are any mistakes. Let me know and I will fix them :)

Kevin's P.O.V.
I enter the hospital they took Joe to after everything went down on their walk.

I didn't have to go up to the desk, because Nick had already texted me where they were waiting on some news on Joe.

Pushing the button to the second floor, I wait for the elevator to close its doors and go up to the chosen floor.

Entering the waiting room, I see Pippa, Nick and Frankie all waiting.

Nick is nervous, I can tell. He's probably scared out of his mind to be the eldest in the room. He's never really had to take lead without any of us there. Not that he hasn't had the lead before, because Nick is a great leader. Band wise. Not so much family wise. Especially not in time of emergency.

"What happened?!" I might have yelled at them.

All three look up, startled by my volume.

I don't wait for them to respond. "Who's that?" I ask them about the cute dog on Nick's lap.

"That's Nick's dog now." Pippa responds.

"What? How?" I am so confused right now.

"Take a seat. We'll tell you the whole story." That's a first coming from Nick.

"We were walking and we saw this dude just leaving his dog. We were all angry, but Joe went for it. He called the guy back and he flipped. He lashed out to Joe and they start a huge fight. Joe seemed to be winning, but then the dude gives him a mean shove and then Joe went down the tiled stairs." Nick explains with a pained expression.

"We couldn't see him anymore, so of course we ran over right away. The man stood up, started yelling and screaming at us, telling us to keep the damned dog and stormed off. Joe just laid there. Still. It scared the living light out of me. It was so so scary. His face and hair covered in blood. Arm twisted in a freaky way..." Pippa had continued when Nick couldn't continue, but now it seems like she can't.

"So then we ran to Joe and called the emergency number right away. We didn't want to move him out of fear of hurting him even more. We talked to him in the hope we could reassure him somehow. Even if he wasn't with us at the time. When the ambulance came, they loaded him in the back and drove off. A police car offered us a ride here after they figured we couldn't get to the hospital ourselves." Nick finished their story.

"Wow. I did not see that coming. Have you heard anything yet?" All shake their heads sadly. "He looked horrible when he left. What if they can't help him?" Pippa looks at me to see if I can reassure her in anyway that everything will be okay. I give her a slight smile, not knowing what else to do at this moment.

"We've already called mom and dad. They're on their way." As soon as Nick said that, a frantic mom and dad entered the room. "How's my baby?!" She asks us. She gives us all a tight hug and a kiss on the head. "We know nothing, mom." I tell her.

"Who's this little guy or girl then?" I ask the dog after our parents settles with us.

"Aren't animals banned from entering the hospital?" Dad asks us with a playful tone.

"Yeah, but then I shed some tears, said Joe's name and we were good to go." Nick says with a big grin.

"It's a boy and I named him Doodle. You know, since he's a labradoodle."

"Very original, Nick." I chuckled. "If I were you, I'd sleep on it for a night."

"Can we keep him, please?" He asks our parents.

Mom and dad share a look.

"The dog looks young to us. So he's going to need training. We'll walk him once in a while and feed him occasionally, but a friendly reminder that he will be your dog. So no shenanigans or the dog is out." Mom says sternly.

"We promise! Thank you so much!" Nick and Pippa give each other a high-five and cuddle the dog close between them.

Frankie stood up and left the room. The others not noticing him going.

I stand up and walk after him. He sits outside in the hallway with his arms folded in front of him, staring sadly at the wall across from him.

I sit next to him. "I was so mean to Joe."

"Not only to Joe." I bump his shoulder with mine. He hangs his head, playing with his fingers.

"I know."

"It wasn't fair on any of us." I tell him.

"I know."

"Why did you do it?" He shrugs.

"I don't know."

"Is this what you're going to do now? Answer with three words and leave it at that?"

"I guess so."

I chuckle at that response and he sighs.

"I don't know why, but I've just been so angry. Angry with everyone, angry with the situation, angry with school, angry with everything. I let it out on everything around me. Including you." He clenches his fists.

"Do you know why you've been so angry?" He shrugs again.

"I guess I don't feel like me. I don't feel like anyone loves me. I feel like everyone's doing their own thing." He explains. It breaks my heart to see him so upset.

I put my hands over his. He relaxes his hands and the result is crescent-shaped markings on his palms.

"Oh, buddy." I wrap my arms tightly around him to comfort him while he breaks down in my arms. I realise I've been so focused on the other three that I let him down. He feels so terrible about himself and I hadn't seen it. I feel like a horrible older brother. I am not cut out for this. I didn't see it with Nick, I didn't see it with Pippa and I definitely missed it with Frankie.

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