Chapter 10

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Slightly longer one :)
Let me know if you like it!

Pippa's P.O.V.
To say I was relieved when I heard Joe was alright is the understatement of the year. He's got a pin in his arm, and he's got a bandage covering half of his forehead. There is a butterfly bandage holding the cut on his chin together where he busted it on the sidewalk.

I'm still in bed because I have no intention to get up today. Why should I? I've got nothing to do for school. I'm not going to see Joe and no one has asked me to do something with them today.

The quiet in the house is giving me some serious flashbacks to when the boys first moved out and never showed up on the doorstep.

When they first went, I figured they'd come back for us. They wouldn't leave us hanging. Not after everything we went through. I thought they would never do that to us. I guess I thought wrong because they never showed.

They never visited us, never texted me back. At first, I wrote it off as them being busy and figuring things out for themselves without other brothers or an annoying little sister breathing down their necks.

When they all lived at home and toured around the country, they sometimes took me with them. Sometimes, because I was only ten at the time.

They mostly took me as the Nick whisperer though. Whenever he was grumpy and things were nonnegotiable in his language, they put me in front of him and I'd fix him.

This was before they found out about his disease. I was too young to figure out something was wrong with him. I knew something was up, but he threatened to make my life a living hell if I ever told anyone. As stupid as it may sound, but at age ten, I really feared the wrath of silent, broody, older brother Nick Jonas.

Truth be told, I feared he would hate me and leave me if I ever narked on him. He'd be so upset with me, and I'd have no way to help him anymore, meaning they wouldn't need to take me with them anymore as I would no longer function as the Nick whisperer.

I didn't want to be left home alone. I knew it wasn't alone, alone as mom and Frankie would be there. It felt strange and surprisingly weird when they left and did their band stuff without us.

How many times they promised me they'd come back soon and would never go to bed without calling us first to tell us about their days. And they did. They always kept their promise.

They didn't when they left us then. That dark period in our past. I thought they were never going to speak to me again.

I thought that I had upset them in some way to make them go and not come back. It couldn't have been Frankie; he was an innocent little boy. But me? I would have left me too.

I thought Kevin was going to start a family without me. I thought Nick was going to pursue his solo career and succeed without letting me in. I thought Joe was going to lay low after Nick hurt him so bad by breaking up the band. That he'd be so upset he would have wanted to do nothing with us because we'd remind him too much of Nick.

It's stupid. I know. I was happy for Kevin when he and Danielle had finally settled together in a nice house. I was for happy when Nick's solo career took off. I was happy for Joe when he scored a hit with "Cake By The Ocean". I never shared this happiness with them. I was hurt and upset.

Upset that they'd left me. Upset that none of them reached out to me to tell me their good things themselves. To leave me in the dark when all I wanted was to celebrate with them. Am I a lousy sister for still holding this blame against them?

I'm known for holding grudges. I'm even worse at it than Nick is. Boy is he good at holding grudges. He most likely still blames me for the electric car toy thingy of his I drove off the dining table. He never let me forget that one.

Same as I never let him forget that he ripped my stuffed animal when I didn't want to leave my warm, cozy bed to go to church.

In his defense, he replaced the stuffed animal with mr. Bear. His stuffed animal I still keep in my bed. But I will never forget how that morning went down.

It's late at night and we're still with Joe. Our parents went down for a drink.

Joe seems pretty high on pain meds.

"This is fun." Joe says bored. His filter completely gone due to the pain meds.

"I hated you. You know that." He pointed at Nick. Nick looks at him but doesn't give him anything else.

"You hurt me so bad. Why did you do that?" Joe continues.

"Let's not do this now, Joey. You won't even remember this once the meds have worked its magic on you." Kevin tries to get him to stop.

Knowing Nick longer than today, I put my hand on his shoulder to comfort him.

It's not like he doesn't know. He doesn't show it, but he knows. Really well.

"You know what we should do when we get out of here?" Joe asks Kevin.

"What Joe? What should we do?" Kevin plays along.

"We should do the drinking game. With just us and Frankie. We drink. We talk. We ask the questions we want to ask. If two or three others don't think the question is answered honestly, we are all supposed to take a drink." Joe explains exceptionally well in his foggy state.

"Yeah, get the two underaged ones drunk. That'll go over well with mom and dad." Nick scoffs.

"Who says we haven't been drinking before?" I ask him. He turns to give me a glare. "What?" I return the glare playfully. "Not even close to being funny." He says.

"I wasn't trying to be funny." I tell him. He gives me another glare.

"Fine. You're no fun." He smiles victoriously and turns back to Joe and Kevin.

"I like the idea. I'm in." Joe fist pumps the air.

"I'm not." I tell them. I'm not ready to face the music yet.

"You don't have to do it if you don't want to." I think it over. Maybe I do need to do it.

"Okay, fine. But promise there's no alcohol for me or Frankie involved. I know the taste and I don't want it."

"YES!" Joe cheers.

"Good girl." Nick smiles smugly. I punch him on the arm.

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