Chapter 3

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Would you look at that! I updated!
I'm so sorry... I haven't written in months and am still struggling with a massive writer's block on all my stories.

My life is a mess right now. I think that might have something to do with it.. but oh well.. Thank you all for waiting!

I hope you like it! 😊

Kevin's P.O.V.
Danielle and I were busy being parents to a new-born baby. We called her Alena. She's the best thing that could have happened to us. We're really happy with our small family and we're hoping to add another family member to our family in the future.

I had neglected my own family lately. I gave Joe and Nick a couple of texts, but I have been occupied at home with everything. Alena had kept us up a couple of nights due to a little bug and she had been sick, but luckily, she got through it without any complications that might have needed hospitalization.

Last night I had been awake all night, holding Alena in my arms and sipping a cup of coffee every now and then to keep myself awake.

It gave me a lot of time to wrap my head around the situation. I'm here, with a daughter, completely mine, with a beautiful wife, who gave birth to my beautiful daughter. A never-ending cycle really.

But on the other hand, my brother is hurt, my sister is hurt and they're not showing any signs of getting better. I don't even know half of it I'm sure. I know Pippa is great at hiding, what else might she be hiding from us? Nick hides too, but we know exactly what's going on with him.

But last night I started questioning myself. When do you really know someone? Is it possible to know all that's going on with someone?

Nick has Type 1 Diabetes.

That's not a secret.

Nick is struggling to keep his levels steady.

That's not a secret.

Nick doesn't give up easily but is drowning himself by keeping up this facade.

That's not a secret.

Nick hates juice boxes for obvious reasons.

Straight fact and definitely not a secret.

I want to take the family out to an amusement park. Some distraction from everything. Some quality family time.

I heard Nick was low, than high, than low again. It's a roller coaster ride to be honest. It seems to me like he's not even trying, but I know he's trying really hard to regulate everything. He's really all about being healthy and in good shape.

For him, his health comes right after family, when it should be his main concern. Otherwise he won't make it far. If he doesn't look well after himself, he's not going to make it and everyone knows that. Family comes right after your own health. Make sure you are okay and after you can take care of others.

The biggest regret I have so far in my life is not looking well enough after my little brother with Diabetes in the spotlight. I could have spared him so much pain if only I would have been there more for him.

But I don't want to dwell on the past too much. I can't change it, no matter how hard I try. It's been over and done with. I should care about the future. That's what's right in front of us.

I know I can try harder to be a better brother, but let's be honest here. What good would it do? Surely I'll only stress out even more and make mistakes because I'm stressing too much.

If I stress, it'll only work against me. Nick will take notice and he'll stress out because I'm stressing out. That stress will cause his levels to go haywire even worse. That in itself will cause mood swings that will make him blow up towards us. Joe won't be able to take his bursts and will burst himself. It's a downwards spiral if I stress.

Just thinking about it makes my stress levels go up. Downwards spiral... The whole thing will repeat itself.

Catching sight of the clock on the oven, I realise it's been hours already. Alena is fast asleep in my arms and I decide to put her down in her crib.

Danielle is also fast asleep in our bed. I figured I should try and get some sleep too, but I also figured I'm not going to get any sleep anytime soon.

I decide to go downstairs. I made a deal with myself to give my family members a call today to catch up on their situations. I think mom, dad and Joe might fill hours with talking. I also think I won't go past five minutes if I call Nick and Pippa. I'll even look at the time when I hang up the call to prove I'm right.

After a while of sitting on the couch, Danielle enters the living room with a tray carrying two filled plates and two mugs.

"I hope it's tea. I can't bare to drink another cup of coffee." She stifles a laugh.

"I know you silly. It's tea." She leans in for a kiss I gratefully respond to.

I thank her for the breakfast and tea and enjoy a quiet breakfast with my wife.

Well, it was quiet, until Alena started to cry. Danielle and I shared a look before bursting out into laughter. We had just been discussing how nice it was from Alena to let us enjoy our breakfast together.

Danielle told me she had her now after I'd been awake all night. She got up and soon disappeared out of sight. I looked after her until she was gone and took another strawberry in the meantime.

I sipped my cup of tea while I waited for Danielle and Alena to join me again.

"I was thinking, maybe we should take Joe, Nick, Frankie and Pippa out some day. Have a nice day out. Just the seven of us." I laugh because seven is a lot.

"Seven is a lot. You do realize it'll be three adults and four kids right?" I ask her.

"I'm sure Joe, you and I will do a great job." She says.

"Who says I counted Joe as the adult?" I question her.

"Then who is? Pippa or Nick?"

"Obviously Pippa." She thinks for a while before she laughs and agrees with me.

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