Part 2, Act II, Chapter Three

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Time felt slower.

Every step America and Russia took felt as though it sapped all the energy out of them.

Greenland had stayed behind at the hospital and Mexico had been picked up by Canada to go get ice cream and cheer him up. Russia and America had decided to just start walking and find out where they'd end up.

Eventually they arrived at the park bench where America first asked Russia to accompany him to his family's fancy party. The two sat down and reminisced on how far they had come from that moment.

America had become close with his family again, Canada and Ukriane started dating and America and Vietnam started dating. America met Morningstar and Russia had been given Australia's journal. America and Russia went with their families on a trip where they had almost hooked up. Vietnam and America moved in together after Vietnam blackmailed him when he tried to break up with him.

They had come so far.

Only to arrive back at the start.

Russia sighed and pulled something out of his jacket pocket, the rustling tugging st America's attention.

"What's that?"

Russia looked at the paper in his hands, "It's the envelope Mexico gave me. It says its from Antarctica."

America frowned and fiddled with his zipper by pulling it up and down over and over.

"Yea, Ani was the one to point it out to him."

Russia hummed and turned the envelope over, sliding his nail under it to break the seal.

"Exactly. I want to read it. I'm curious."

America swallowed a lump in his throat, "Yea. Well, don't let me stop you I guess."

"Do you want me to read it aloud?"

"Uh. Sure. Unless it has like...secret stuff."

Russia chuckled and unfolded the letter, "I doubt it. Antartica and I don't share a lot of secrets."

Russia cleared his throat and began to read as America continued to fidget nervously.

"To Russia,

"Chances are, if you're reading this I'm on my deathbed. I'm sorry we didn't get to know each other as well as we could have. I always thought you were amart and reliable - someone to trust. I also found it super sweet that you tried so hard to learn sign language so that Greenie didn't have to translate! I'm sorry my sign is so difficult!

"It's been so humbling to watch you grow into such a good friend for our America. Once upon a time you were just a random country I'd pass in the halls, now you're one of my closest friends.

"Thank you so much for being the support and the second voice of reason America, Mexico, Greenland and I always needed. You're the coolest slav Ive ever met! (Pun definitely intended!)

"I hope to see you in another life.

"Your friend,


America wiped tears from his cheeks and sucked in a shuddering breath. Russia swallowed and closed the letter, clasping it in his hands close to his face in a sort of praying pose.

After taking a moment to compose himself, Russia wipes his eyes and nods to America's pocket - where he knew a similar envelope lay.

"Are you going to read yours to me now?"

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