Act I, Chapter Three

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"So where's your roommate?"

"Why are you saying 'roommate' like that?"

"Because you're one of the gayest people I've ever met and we both know no one sleeps in that other bed."

Japan snorted flicking an ear at him, "me? The gayest? That's rich, Gaylord."

"Okay, correction, one of the lesbianest people I've ever met," America snickered as he ducked to avoid being hit by a pair of pastel yellow panties.

"That's not even a word. Besides, stop shipping me with every girl I meet! That's my job, Gaylord."

"Yup, I know. You think I haven't seen your self inserts? We have been sorting through this stuff for a good two hours after all."

Japan blushed and lashed her tail at the taller country who waved two extremely glitterfied binders in her face. She moved to snatch them from America's grasp, but he swiped them away before she could. He cleared his throat and began reading, holding off the smaller, very embarrassed country with one hand.

"'She looked up at me with what I could only describe as lust as I held her there, pinned against the wall under me. It was almost as if she enjoyed being dominated like this-'"

"Right! That's enough!" Japan squealed, trying to drown out America's dramatic reading with her own embarassed squeaks. She was finally able to reclaim her precious fanfics by sidestepping America and held the binders close to her chest.

America laughed, flicking her head as he carefully put Japan's prized alcohol pens into a cardboard box labelled 'art'.

"Ya know, they're actually really good. You should be proud!"

Japan sighed melodramtically as she threw the binders haphazardly onto her unmade bed, "I am proud, I just don't want the whole world to know about my fantasies, Ame-kun. You're loud as hell."

America chuckled, "yeah, yeah, I know. Sorry."

"Thanks for being sincere," Japan giggled sarcastically.

"But no, seriously. Where is South? Shouldn't she be the one helping you with this?" He carried a rather heavy box that had already been taped up to the door.

"Not that I mind helping you move," America said quickly, his voice strained from the weight in his arms. No wonder Japan asked him, neither her nor South could lift stuff like that. Well, they could if they tried.

They just wouldn't try.

"She had to do something, I can't remember what," Japan shrugged as she folded more clothes from her wooden wardrobe. It wasn't hard for America to see that his friend was disappointed.

They did the rest of the packing in silence. Most of Japan's stuff was organised into boxes at that point and they just had to take everything to her cute blue beetle sitting in the parking lot. Of course, that tiny little car wasn't going to hold everything, so America was going to take a few boxes himself.

It wasn't at all like Japan to be so silent, and America sighed when he saw her ears drooping and her red and white patterned tail dragging on the floor. He grabbed her hand and led her to the mattress that used to be her bed, pushing her down gently to sit on the edge as he sat beside her.

"What's wrong, J-pop?"

Japan was quiet for a moment, watching America with side ways glances.

"It's just that...I thought South cared about me," she began in a hushed tone. "As a friend, if not anything else. And I'm about to move for good and all she can muster is a quick good morning?"

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