Act I, Chapter Four

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"Are you naturally this much of a pain, or do you actually try?"

"I'm sure I don't know what you're talking about," Russia grinned, swaying a little on the balls of his feet, gripping a bottle of vodka in his hand like it was the last good thing in the world.

Of course America knew Russia was just playing dumb, that or he was already drunk. He was obviously referring to the fact that Russia always seemed to find him, never letting America contact him of his own accord.

"...are you sober?"

Russia shrugged, "I'm moderately fuctional."

Chuckling, America tilted his sunglasses down slightly, so as to give off the impression of a scrutinising gaze without the need to see his eyes, "I'll count that as a no."

America loved having shades over his eyes all the time. Not only was no one able to see his eyes (which he appreciated for various reasons), he had a very sensitive response to light. Whenever he took off his shades during the day, something that rarely ever happened, he'd almost immediately get a migraine from the light flooding his vision.

One good side to his condition: incredible eyesight in the dark. No amount of carrots could compare to his ability.

China looked at them both quizzically, his gaze snapping quickly from one face to another. As far as he knew, America should never have met his friends before.

"You two seem," China searched for the right words, "familar with each other?"

Russia snickered, lifting the bottle of vodka to his lips and taking a swig before replying, "not really."

"We've only met like once before."

"Twice! Don't forget last night," Russia winked at the shorter male, fiddling with the cap of his alcoholic beverage.

America's cheeks burned, and he looked away. Couldn't he hear how bad that sounded?

"So you two...?" China didn't even need to finish his sentence, quickly being stopped by a very adamant America.

"No! No, no, no, no, no, nothing like that," he chided, shaking his head furiously.

China shrugged, smirking at him slightly, "whatever you say, fairy."

Glaring at him, America decided he had had enough and was about to stalk off. He turned and ran straight into Japan, who was giggling with a gleeful sparkle in her eye.

"Speaking of fairies, China-sama - we have to find you a boyfriend, Ame-kun!"

America tilted his head, confused, "what does that have to do with-"

Before he could finish that thought, Japan swept her arm around the room at their sea of friends, putting an arm around the taller country.

"Look at all those men, Ame-kun. Single and ready to mingle!" She grinned at him mischievously. "You're an attractive country, Ame-kun, just take your pick."

Blushing once again, America pondered the offer. He sighed, reluctantly eyeing the boys around the room. It was Japan's last two weeks in town, he might as well indulge her right?

He studied every country, even the taken ones. He couldn't really find anyone that caught his fancy in the main group so his gaze redirected over to China's friends. Once America landed on Russia, he stared for probably a split second more than he should have.

But due to his friend being extremely observant, a split second was all Japan needed.

She pushed her friend into the towering country, almost knocking the both of them over in the process. Some of Russia's vodka spilled onto his blue and white striped shirt as America tried to regain his footing. He was lucky Russia had such fast reflexes, even when drunk, otherwise they would have probably both destroyed the wooden table behind them. Thank god for those arms.

Black Coffee :|: America x Russia :|: CountryhumansWhere stories live. Discover now