Act II, Chapter Thirty-One

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"I spy with my little eye, something beginning with...s."

New Zealand stared at the two countries in the front seats.

"Is it sexual tension?"

"I like this girl," Morningstar grinned, sitting on the dashboard with her shoulders through the windshield as though she hadn't a care in the world that she was basically a ghost.

"Oh hardy, harr, harr," America commented, to both his sister and Morning, poking his tongue out at New Zealand through the rear-view mirror, causing his younger sister to chuckle.

"What do you mean?" Russia asked Kiwi, raising an eyebrow and swivelling to look at her from his front seat.

"You know what she means," Belarus purred, her eyes darting over to America before returning to Russia to wink at him.

Russia groaned with a slight blush and America just laughed.

"Yeah, you know what she means Ruski~"

"I can't believe of all the countries I have to be stuck with on this road trip, it had to be you three."

"I'm gonna enjoy these next four hours, Russia-bear~"

Russia narrowed his eyes at the american driver.

"Don't push your luck," Russia growled, holding up his fingers. "Im about this close to throwing you out of the car."

America glanced over.

"Your fingers are touching."


"You're not going to make it out of here alive, USA."

Thanks for that, really needed the extra help to understand what he meant.

"Anytime," Morningstar teased.

"The answer was sun," Poland muttered, holding his chin in his hand.

New Zealand sighed, leaning back and getting comfortable as Belarus curled into her side.

"This is gonna be a loooooong ride."


"So, how long have you two lovebirds been dating hmm?"

"A few weeks."

"A few weeks??" Britain scoffed, tapping the steering wheel. "Back in my day the first woman you met was your wife on the spot, and you two have been dating for a few weeks? Unbelievable."

"United Kingdom!"

"Uh oh, she used my full name," Britain chuckled, seemingly not threatened (even though underneath his clever little façade he was sweating like a fluffy dog on a hot summer's day).

"Honestly, Britain, were you even disciplined at all?" France asked, lightly whacking her husband's arm, glancing behind her at Ukraine apologetically. Britain literally sighed in relief once the focus was shifted off him, trying to hide it with a very fake sounding cough.

"I'm so sorry about him, he has no filter at all these days! Probably his old age."

"Hey! Low blow!"

"That's alright, neither do my dads," Ukraine chuckled, shifting in her seat.

Germany sat awkwardly in between Canada and Ukraine as a means to seperate them, as per Britain's request. He was really starting to regret agreeing to this trip - sure sharing a room with Poland at the lakehouse would be lovely, exciting even, but the ride over almost made the end result completely ineffectual.

Black Coffee :|: America x Russia :|: CountryhumansWhere stories live. Discover now