Act II, Chapter Thirty-Seven

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Hey so I know some of you got blue balls from me leaving you hanging a couple chapters back, most of you were expecting a smut chapter.

BUT FEAR NOT! I have a rusame oneshot book and one of the oneshots is a pretty intense smut if I do say so myself so if you really need a fix go check it out!

The oneshot's called The Name of the Game and it has little hearts on it, ya can't miss it.

(Totally not a plug--)



"Whatcha readin'? Some nerd thing?"

"Actually it's a book about space. Did you know the moon Titan has twice as much oil as Earth--"

"I didn't come here to be bored to death with your endless space facts," Australia retorted jokingly, flopping onto the couch beside her brother and kicking his legs off the side, placing her feet in his lap and leaning back onto the armrest. America just chuckled and slipped his bookmark into his book, closing it.

"What's got you in such a tizzy," teased America, resting his arm on the top of the couch and facing his sister side on.

Australia rolled her eyes, giggling, "Dude, whenever you wear those glasses you act all prim and proper. Get a life."

America laughed and nodded, sliding his reading glasses off his face and resting them on top of his book. They were circular and gold, kinda like a cool Harry Potter. He didn't need to bother with hiding his eyes because everyone in the house was out except Fiji, who already knew about his condition anyway.

"You're darn right I do, sister."

"Ok, now you're just milking it."

America poked his tongue out at her and threw her legs off, causing her to just plop them right back on and add in a kick to the ribs for some flavour.

This continued their shenanigans for maybe a minute before Australia thought to say, "Hey, have you seen Kaz? I've been looking for him all over."

America smirked, resting his chin on his hand with his elbow on Australia's shin, digging into her leg.

"Why do you want to know hmmm~?"

Australia glared at him and gently smacked him in the face with her foot, causing him to straighten back up and laugh.

"No reason. Just wanna know."

"Uhuh, suuuure," America chuckled slyly, earning another dirty look from his younger sister. "I'm pretty sure he went bowling with the rest of the gang. Aka everyone except you, me, Fiji and Russia. He's pobably cheating with those wings of his."

"Kaz wouldn't cheat," Australia retorted, crossing her arms.

"And why are you so willing to defend him all of a sudden~?"

Australia raised an eyebrow, "'Cause I wanna stick up for my friend?"

"Right. "Friend"."

Australia glared at him, "Are you trying to imply something?"

"No," America said, looking at his nails from afar. "Just making sure you know you have a crush on Kazakhstan. Oh, sorry, "Kaz"."

Australia swung her legs off him, sitting up straight and leaning forward.

"I don't like Kaz."

"Yes you do."

"Do not."

Black Coffee :|: America x Russia :|: CountryhumansWhere stories live. Discover now