(OPT. A) Chapter Fifty-Three

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This is an option A chapter, which means that if you read all of the option A chapters, Vietnam will be VaNqUiShEd sooner and the book will end sooner.

Option B chapters mean that Vietnam and America's relationship will last longer and a love interest will be introduced to Russia so that America and Russia drift apart until it's fixed, meaning that the ending happens further down the track.

Both options have happy endings, one is just FAR more angsty than the other.

If you want Option A, this will be one of the last chapters you get for a while unfortunately :(

With that, let's continue!


Strong themes of abusive and manipulative relationships.


"Meri? You ok in there?"

"Yea, don't worry about me! I'm just dandy!"

"If you were, you wouldn't be using the word "dandy"."

America chuckled awkwardly, scratching the back of his neck, "Ah, you got me. It's just been a while since I've cooked, ya know?"

Vietnam raised an eyebrow with an unimpressed look on his red and yellow face.

"That's not true, you cook with Italy all the time," America's blood boiled from the way he said Italy's name.

"Wrong," America seethed, leaning on the kitchen counter. "I used to cook with Italy all the time until you banned me from leaving your apartment!"

Instead of being angry, Vietnam just looked mildly amused as he leaned on the door frame, "Goodness, you spend a few months in a mansion and suddenly you become the spoiled brat you were as a child!"

America slammed the salt shaker in his hand down, glaring at his blackmail boyfriend.

"Are you fucking kidding me right now?? Me? Spoilt? Have you lost your goddamn mind??" He growled. "Need I remind you the absolute ocean of SHIT I had to wade through just to graduate high school??"

Vietnam clicked his tongue, "Green isn't a good colour on you, Meri."

"Stop. Calling me that," America spat through gritted teeth.

"You seem a little wound up, Meri," Vietnam ignored what he said and stepped closer to him. "Why don't you cool off?"

America felt a pit begin forming in his stomach and he dropped his tone, fear pooling in his eyes.

Not again.

"No- no, it's ok. I'm sorry for yelling," he said in a quiet voice, looking down at the floor through his hair.

Vietnam stepped forward again, a sickly sweet undertone to his words, "What else do we say?"

"It won't happen again."

The shorter took another step towards him.


Vietnam was so close now. He could feel the pure malice radiating off his boyfriend in waves as America all but trembled under his stare, biting his lip. His knees felt weak and his arms were shaking; every time he tried to get his thoughts straight he would suddenly feel nauseous and dizzy like he could vomit at any second.

Just say it.

Just fucking say it.

You're going to get in more trouble if you don't just SAY IT.

Black Coffee :|: America x Russia :|: CountryhumansWhere stories live. Discover now