13. stranger, no danger

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now playing: sweetbitter by rio

"i need your love more than i thought"


Haru stirred in the early morning light, her eyes gently fluttering open as she became aware of the new day dawning. The soft rays of the sun streamed in through the curtains, casting a warm, golden glow on the room.

As her gaze fell upon the bouquet of flowers from the previous night adorning her bedside table, a radiant smile graced her lips. Each petal seemed to embody the joyful reunion of the previous night, and it filled her with contentment, a feeling that had been absent for too long. The sweet scent of the blooms filled the room, and she could not help but recall the tender moments they had shared —Jaehyun's return, their laughter, and the comforting feeling of falling asleep together in each other's arms once more.

Gently rolling onto her side, Haru wanted to admire Jaehyun's peaceful slumber without disturbing him. However, her heart sank as she found his side of the bed empty. Sitting up, her eyes scanned the empty space beside her, her gaze swiftly exploring her room in search of any traces of him.

Disappointment washed over her as the reality of his responsibilities hit her once more. Despite their reunion, his duties still called, and their time together would always be interwoven with the demands of his profession.

Even after days have passed, in many ways, things remained the same. If anything, he was growing even busier, juggling numerous magazine gigs and preparing for future acting roles, thanks to the recent tour that had catapulted him further into the spotlight.

She harboured no resentment towards him; his undeniable star potential and striking good looks were impossible to ignore. Despite her best efforts to be supportive and patient, the overwhelming solitude was starting to take a toll on her, leaving her feeling increasingly lonely and neglected.


"Jungwoo! Doyoung! Taeil!" Haru called out, knocking loudly on the door, only to receive no response. Her frustration grew as she frantically searched for the spare keys.

"For the love of God," she muttered under her breath.

"I swear you three imbeciles better be awake when I open this damn door!" Haru's voice trailed off as she was met with an unwelcome sight. Her annoyance immediately dissipated and her demeanour shifted to embarrassment as she adjusted her tone and posture. She had unexpectedly come face to face with the one person she had been actively avoiding, a sentiment she suspected was mutual.

Taeyong stated flatly, his nonchalant presence a few feet away. "They'll be back soon."

Haru attempted a polite smile, oblivious to the fact that it came off as an uncomfortable and strained expression. Her eyes darted around, and she anxiously bit her lip, deep in thought.  Uncertain about her next move, she lingered awkwardly by the front door, pondering whether she should make a hasty exit. Or, if she was brave enough to excuse herself. The uncomfortable silence stretched between them, with Taeyong casually observing her internal struggle.

Noticing his gaze, Haru suddenly became consciously paranoid at his prolonged stare. "O-oh! Mark handed me the spare keys, just in case they were late again... Well, in this case, they are, again," Haru rambled, her words spilling out in staccato as she sought to explain herself.

"B-but! I'll return them. I'm not a creep, nope... Not an intruder," her awkwardly emphasised reassurances only heightened the discomfort. "The point is... I will give them back," she concluded.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 30, 2023 ⏰

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