10. detour

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now playing: love. by wave to earth

"my heart is small and broken but only with you,
i can see my eternity."


The lively chatter continued around the dinner table as they shared stories and banter. Haechan, with a sly grin, initiated a playful exchange.

"Jungwoo is always making these stupid faces while we wait in formation. I swore I almost burst out laughing before the chorus."

Taeyong joined in on the fun. "But of course, our maknae is so professional."

"Professional my ass," Jaehyun scoffed. "This dude almost tripped during that second verse."

"It... happens," Haechan admitted, a tinge of embarrassment in his voice.

The room erupted in laughter, and Haru could not help but join in, relishing the light-hearted atmosphere.

Yuta, with a smirk, commented, "Ah! This kid is a true-born comedian."

Johnny, with a playful threat, added, "Ya! I better not catch a chance of you slacking off when the tour starts!"

"Oh, cool. With the tour guides and stuff?" Haru asked absentmindedly, mouth stuffed with food. She finally realised the whole table was eyeing her oddly, then shifting their gaze to read Jaehyun's face.

Jaehyun chewed on his food slowly, before meeting their gazes, then back to his food as if nothing had happened. Haru began to notice the tension in the air.

"So, like a getaway trip?" she asked again, trying to play it cool.

"This is gonna be a great story to tell." Taeyong scoffed, making an empty remark that indirectly addressed the awkward situation without confronting it directly.

Jaehyun, now unusually silent, focused intently on cutting a piece of meat on his plate.

"Did I say something stupid?" Haru inquired, her eyes scanning the room, trying to comprehend the abrupt change in mood.

"You know what, this meal is exceptionally goo—"

"I mean, it'll hardly feel like we're gone. Exams will keep you busy, right?"  Taeil, oblivious to the tension, spoke without lifting his eyes as he continued devouring his meal. He eventually realized the unsettling silence and met the gazes of the others, including Jaehyun, who was giving him a disapproving look. Taeil quickly returned his attention to his plate.

"It's pertaining to business. We'll be performing a lot, nothing you don't know of," Jaehyun shrugged it off as he took another bite of food.

"I mean, I knew of the performances here, barely. But I didn't know you were going away."

A heavy silence filled the room, the only sounds being dishware clinking and utensils scraping against plates.

"Okay... For how long will you be gone?" Haru attempts at resurfacing the conversation, concealing any trace of disappointment in her tone.

Still chewing for an exaggerated period of time, he blurted, "For awhile."

Haru rolled her eyes before turning her head to Doyoung, who was seated beside her. "Three months," he spoke without hesitation, knowing Haru could only count on him for an honest response.


"—I'll get you something from every country. Would that make you feel better?" Mark swiftly prompted, desperately wanting to lighten the tension.

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