07. chronic drinker

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now playing: dance with me by beabadoobee

"i know it's hard to tell but i think i really like you"


"If I hit a little harder, could I get just a little smarter?"

Haru moaned exaggeratedly as she continued to thump her head onto the desk. Realising that time was being wasted on her bootless fit, she sat up immediately to collect her idle self, determination swarming over her. She forcefully swept the strands of hair that were in her way and tugged her pencil between her teeth as she attempted to give concentration a second try.

The clock read close to 2am. The dingy room was lit by the single light source coming from her study lamp. She reunited with her slothful form, shoulders drooping over her desk piled with genres of textbooks and scattered stationaries. No amount of caffeine in the gallons of tea she downed was going to keep her impelled enough to tackle her biggest competitor, Biology.

"Screw this! I give up, strip me off my medical training." She let out an excessive whine paired with a prolonged groan.

In the midst of her hissy outburst, her phone screen lighted up to a notification bubble.

The crease in her forehead disappeared and her tensed body progressively loosens as she read the message,


"Oh, you read my message quick."

"Up for drinks with the boys?"

A slow smile worked it's way across her face and into her once sluggish eyes. She contemplated for awhile, weighing out her options.

Drinks? She wasn't one to appreciate taking time into intoxicating herself recklessly, especially when she had more noble responsibilities on her agenda (narrowly studying).

With the boys? To her own surprise, she was not too apprehensive about it. Besides, she did consider a drink or two to aid her boggled mind. And the underlying reason... to see him again.

That unspoken fact was enough for her to unquestioningly grab her jacket and head straight out.


They slammed the shots on the table, getting hammered and laughing preposterously at each other's cringing faces from the aftermath of soju. The collection of empty shot glasses and beer mugs cluttered the table, barely leaving an empty spot. Oddly, there was no one else in the secluded bar. It seemed like this was their regular spot, considering how sociable they were with the owner.

"Ya Mark, slow down! You're gonna get slammed." Yuta called out, surprised by the fella's passionate chugs.

"This brat is lucky that our schedule doesn't start till the evening." Johnny scoffed.

"Jaehyun hyung, Doyoung hyung. Why aren't you guys holding glasses?" Haechan pouted, softly resting his head on Johnny's shoulder to recover from the bleakness in his eyes.

"We are," Jaehyun spoke.

"We just aren't relentless drinkers like you." Doyoung concludes his sentence following the exchange of smug looks.

Jaehyun's takes his second shot, forcing him to adopt a squint as the soju slid down his throat. Though his tolerance was high, he never want to cave into unpredictability. Someone had to be responsible to get these unruly children home.

"Ah! Whatever, get on with the game," Haechan lurched forward, banging the table with his palm.

"It's finally Haru's turn!" Jaehyun's eyes that were drifting around the room switched abruptly. He discreetly sat up from his slouched posture, peering closer as he became fond of the matter.

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