05. sweet talker

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now playing: for lovers who hesitate by jannabi

"and when the night comes,
we'll make our own secrets
i'll bookmark our memorable night and
revisit them by myself at times"


haru pov
you have one notification.

› have a great day today.

She lingered upon the message, her round eyes filled with upmost admiration as they circle around every word she read. And just as always, the warmest tender smile plastered to her face as she rechecks the sender's name. Yoon Oh. As if time was ushering her to school, she slid her phone back into her pocket and continued the route she was on.

Believe it or not, this was not the first time the world came to learn of the biggest and most winsome smile Haru possessed. Over the span of 2 months, her temporary joy was felt through such texts. Superficial, she knows. So, was it silly to be placing her hopes and beliefs in the most insignificant things?

But in these moments, Haru couldn't give a tinker's damn. Life could get back at her for as long as it desired. What mattered was right now, for the first time in awhile, she was happy. And her heart was set on prolonging that wholesome feeling, even if it meant that she was practically head over heels for this man. As she made her way to school with light on her feet, her mind effortlessly harked back to the miraculous conversations they shared.

january 17

yoon oh:
› the main characters are driving me insane
› i mean if he likes her, he should just tell her
› life's too short anyway

› what do you think haru?

aren't you being a tad too serious about a drama? ‹
kkk ‹

› hey!
› i blame the boys, they dragged me into this
› you should've seen these guys, they act like we live in Shakespeare's era

lmao ‹
what do i think? ‹
as right as you are, circumstances don't always make it easy for everyone ‹

› you know what haru?

› talking to you always put things into perspective
› i like that about you
› anyways, i'll talk to you in a bit

january 23

yoon oh:
› chicken or pizza

both. ‹

› very funny haru

supper? ‹

› the boys and i just got back
› can you believe they still have the energy to bicker over dinner?

dinner? it's like 2am ‹

› but you're still up

and you know exactly why ‹
pizza seems like a hefty choice ‹

› put the book down and go to bed haru
› you worked hard enough today.


› i've got to go
› i'll talk to you soon

Her steps bore down as her reminiscing came to a reality's pitstop. This time, she went through her head gingerly.

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