04. the little things

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now playing: day 1 by honne

"i got lucky finding you, i won big the day i came across you"



It was about the usual time the boys go on their usual morning coffee run before work. For years, they settled on visiting the same small cafe huddled despondent among the huge city premises, one of which being their company's building. They always set out while it was still dark in the break of day when there was often little to no people. Better to be safe than to be sorry, right?

Today was Jaehyun, Johnny and Taeyong's turn to run the errand. Jaehyun never seemed to mind having to get up extra early. In fact, he always looked forward to his turn, the cafe being somewhat his refuge. Words can't describe how much he loved the atmosphere the cafe magically possessed. It always made his exhausting week a tiny bit better. Some may even say therapeutic.

As soon as they reached the cafe, they were greeted by the usual smoky and rich aroma of coffee grounds. Jaehyun examines the room, his eyes caught sight of a lady's striking blonde hair who was seated at the other end of the cafe, her back facing the entrance. Oddly, he was intrigued. No way...  Could it be?

"Hey, I'm gonna go do something real quick. Just get me the usual, yeah?" Jaehyun excused himself, brushing past both Johnny and Taeyong. The two watched as he made his way to the single customer within the cafe, eyes looking at each other with puzzlement.

Jaehyun, on the other hand, was far from confused. Besides the hint of doubtfulness, he had a gut feeling that he recognised the lady. Was approaching her a rational decision? Later proved that he was right.

Haru had been seated in the cafe since 8pm, burning the midnight oil to prepare herself for her upcoming exams. She would usually limit her revision to be done solely at home but lately she had been lacking the will to pick up her textbooks. As such, she sought for a change in environment in hopes that it would allow her to be more driven and focused. However, the results of fatigue from spending hours and hours of studying had led to her now being fast asleep.

He peeked to see the her tiny face adorably squashed up against her folded arms, eyes moulded to sleep. Even though she looked exhausted, she was no less beautiful than he recalled.

Suddenly, Haru heard someone pull out the seat beside her. Her head still snuggled into her arms, she peered her eyes open, oblivious to what was happening. Her patchy vision managed to make out an image of a man. Only his eyes could be seen, the other half of his face covered. He was mimicking her position: his arms supporting his head as he rested them on the table, his faces inches away from her. At this rate, he was just admiring her.

The tired face she wore lifted as she begun to see clearly, realising he was looking right into her eyes.

"What the—"

"I knew it was you."

She slowly registered the man before her. I recognise this voice... All at once, she got up from her slumped posture.

"Ya! You scared me." Haru let out a low whine as she tried to shake herself awake. She was still in a state of uncertainty by the unlit sky. She had completely lost track of time and had unconsciously fell into slumber.

Instantly, he could see her spark glow a little brighter, her face more relaxed, a smidge more joy in her weary eyes.

"It's been awhile huh, Ms Haru?"

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