Back to Hogwarts

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Going back to Hogwarts was exciting as always, the summer dragged on for what seemed like an eternity. I studied myself in the mirror, so much about myself had changed that I barely recognised the girl in the mirror from the scrawny girl before.
I had turned 17, my body seemed to respond in a positive way.. my hair was thicker and longer, my figure had changed into a subtle hourglass shape, my breasts filled out and my face cleared up.
I was beautiful but not that I actually thought so but I had been aware that people, especially men, were staring once I entered a room. Something I definitely was not used to, the attention almost made me feel uncomfortable.
I slipped on a little floral summer dress as it was still very warm for September.
The drive to the station was quiet, my mother wasn't much of a talker and I assumed that's where I got that trait from. The nerves started to creep in as we got closer, I was no longer the gawky skinny girl that no one noticed, I wondered if I were going to be able to blend into the background this year as normal but if this summer were anything to go by I guessed not. I sighed.

I kissed my mother goodbye and headed through to the platform. The magic swirled through the air, newspapers were giving themselves out, luggage was loading itself on to the train and I grinned from ear to ear. I loved everything about magic and Hogwarts, my mother was a muggle so my summers were very much magic free, it filled my heart to be amongst it all again.
I felt eyes all over me as I tried to find an empty compartment, something I had begun to get used to but still didn't welcome. The only one that had space was the one with Harry Potter, Hermoine Granger and Ron Weasley.
"Do you mind if I sit here? Everywhere else is full.." I almost whispered. The three of them looked up in unison.
"Of course not." Hermoine smiled sweetly as she cleared a seat. Harry and Ron were staring as I sat down, Ron almost looked comical with his mouth gawked open. I saw Hermoine shoot him a deathly stare, I tried not to laugh. It was obvious to everyone but Ron that she had feelings for him. I pulled a book from my bag and tried to find the page that I had folded over to keep my place, I looked up to see Harry looking at me.
He smiled, I half smiled back and quickly looked back down to the page. I had always had a crush on Harry Potter, he was interesting and awkward but it was very cute. A few hours had passed, the three of them were talking amongst themselves but I was too involved in my book to really make out what they were saying to each other.

The carriage door slammed open and we all looked up to see Draco Malfoy stood there. Dressed completely in black, his platinum hair shun in the sunlight, he was as beautiful as they get. He snarled something at Harry but my brain wasn't registering anything but his stormy eyes. He looked directly at me, our eyes locked, I felt my cheeks redden under his intense stare but he quickly looked away back to Harry.
Maybe I wasn't as noticeable now as I had thought. The rest of the journey I thought about his eyes, the little smirk he did every time he insulted someone, the way his hands would feel on me.
I snapped out of it, I was a 'mudblood' as he had called me on more than one occasion over the years but I couldn't help it, maybe it was the bad in him that was drawing me in.

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