1. doctor salvatore

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Eden Salvatore

" Shut the fuck up. " I hissed under my breath.

I was beyond annoyed, the world was frustrating. I was trying to work but these people could not shut the hell up or perhaps just drop dead then disappeared into the face of the earth, that would have made my morning better.

We had been in this heart transplant surgery for the last seven hours since last night, all because this middle school geek decided to be dumb and didn't listen to me his doctor when I clearly told him that he couldn't consume too much fat.

But, no he went ahead and did it anyway.

So, here I was trying to save his dumbass. I sighed at the sight of the thumping heart, by the looks of all these yellow around his heart I was convinced that this dude drank pure oil.

Fucking donkey.

" Hand me the needle. " I muttered to one of the nurse interns next to me.

" Which needle, Dr. Salvatore? " she asked looking at the opened chest of my patient curiously.

She was one of those interns who just never shut up and thought it was funny to bombard the surgeon endless questions during a fucking surgery.

" Did you not learn anything in school? Or did you leave your brain at home today? "

She looked at me with wide eyes before furiously shaking her head.

" Hand me the one I can use to sew the donor's heart in place and another one for me to stitch your fucking mouth shut. " I glared.

I heard her gulped as I gestured the nurse to hand me the needle before I continued my work ignoring her existence. I hated interns. I always did. They just never shut up. I knew I was one too back in the days but I never asked stupid questions especially not when there was a person dying on the bed.

" What's the next step, Dr. Salvatore? " another intern asked.

While cussing them in my head, I made a mental note to murder whoever let these idiots inside later.

At this point my blood was boiling. I shut my eyes for a second trying to calm myself down before opening them again, ignoring the question.

I attached the major blood vessels to the donor heart carefully and calmly pretending that no annoying stupid people were here, in the same room with me.

But that was only until they started asking the same questions again. The nurses looked between me, the three stupidly curious interns and the patient nervously, as I handed them back the needle.

" I don't know. Why don't we all watch him bleed to death and let him die with this huge hole in his chest. " I grumbled under my breath.

The nurses took in a sharp breath while the interns looked at me wildly.

" Now shut up before I make you eat that heart. " I glared pointing at the diseased heart.

Despite all that, the surgery was a success.

The donkey geek made it out alive, thank to me. His parents were so escalated that when I walked out of the room, they ran toward me and embraced me with a bone crashing hug.

I hated hugs.

So, I just awkwardly stood there and patted them on their backs with an uncomfortable smile on my face before they finally let me go when the nurses and interns wheeled their unconscious son out of the room.

" Bring me four cups of coffee before I burn this whole building down with you in it. " I muttered to Thane, my assigned bodyguard as I stormed into my office.

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