They're Not All the Same

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For three months, Himari always came to Jules every afternoon, without missing one day. Every day, she would tell him what she learned from the international radio the women heard at night. They knew everything, but that everything was always bad news.

For three months, Kurachi let them out to the lawn every Sunday, except if there were some Germans watching. They would just talk, or laugh to each other, or simply meditate for ten minutes.

Jules also kissed Himari for the first time during this three months period. It was breezy and the air was cheery. Jules, out of nowhere, just pulled closer and pressed his lips to Himari’s.

It went like this:

Himari closed the door behind her and proceeded to stand in front of Jules, just separated by bars.

She said nothing. He said nothing. It was weird. It happened so fast without both of them noticing, though everyone was watching.

Suddenly, she came closer and closer. Her cheeks almost touched the bars of his cell. Then, slowly, she said, “I love you, Jules West.”

And Jules did nothing more, but to kiss the Chinese-Japanese woman in front of him. The kiss was pleasant, but meaningful nevertheless. It was the best thing that had ever come to Jules’ prison life.

Everyone inside the cell reacted the same way. They cheered, clapped, whooooo-ed.

But it was short because the guard in front of the dungeon heard all of the fuzzes and stopped the kiss from going deeper and longer. Kurachi did not ground them nor give them any sort of punishment. If it was Yamako, he would’ve probably force-fed a grenade to Jules’ throat.

So yeah, life had been great when Yamako left. Everything happened so smoothly. Himari was also somehow treated better by the soldiers as Kurachi was a gentleman. He respected women and locals, as dangerous as they might seem.

Nothing more happened during those three months other than the kiss. No one got sick nor depressed. Jules didn’t even talk a single time to his doll.

And the similar rumble shook the Cathedral’s foundation again. It was the same as the last time, but supposedly, it was in the midnight and ninety percent of the soldiers were asleep. 

Jules wasn’t sleeping at the time. He was chatting with Blake about what to do if they ever got out.

“Do you think I should marry her?”

“Dude, really? It would be crazy if you don’t.”

“But that will give us tons of problems from both our countries.”

“Really, Jules? That’s what in your mind? Dude, if you love that woman, you will do everything you can to be together. If she loves you, she will do the same. Also, you can probably live somewhere not in the US or Japan.”

The first boom came, shaking their realm like a sudden earthquake. Blake just jumped to his feet when this happened.

The ceiling spitted down some dirt and dusts, sprawling fairy dusts to Jules’ eyes, reddening his face. He hugged the doll with two of his arms and later put it into his pocket.

The black, iron door of the dungeon stormed open. Himari was flying to the earth from outside. She was hitting her back to the ground. The door closed and darkness swallowed them again. It was midnight so the lantern didn’t lit up. They saw basically only darkness.

Himari had been thrown to the dungeon by the guard.

Jules noticed it was Himari. “Jesus, are you okay?”

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