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Glenn walked beside Jules and Ezra. They were out of breath, effortless, and lost all sort of hope. The walk already consumed many days and the jungle didn’t seem to end. The trees were their prison, surrounding their bodies from the outside world, concealing all horrors and miracles that happened in the world. The woods acted as iron bars, but they didn’t lock them in, but they hid them out.

Glenn decided that it was time to stop and rest. Jules and Blake roamed over the wide pine woods, searching for dinner. A deer just stepped in front of them, unaware that the two humans were about to rip and eat ‘em after tearing it to pieces.

Blake gestured Jules with his finger, leaned near the bushes, and took the shot. The bang scared countless birds which flocked out of the area after the bullet sprung out of Blake’s gun.

“Did you get it?”

Blake and Jules approached the area. No dead deer, just some blood splashing the area.

“Shit,” Blake cussed.

“Well, you did hit him.”

“Yeah, he’s injured somewhere. Let’s go.”

Blake and Jules scanned the leaves and dirt for blood prints. They found it, and followed north, further and further.

“That deer walks pretty far. How the hell does it do it?”


Suddenly, Jules just stopped.

“Did you hear that?”

Blake stopped Jules from speaking.


Blake placed a huge smile on his face and smirked. “Yeah dude.”

They literally ran, excited and rushed. Their thirsty throats urged for clean water. All they had those past few days were muds and puddles which were like drinking vomit.

And the view startled them. The river was decently big. It was big enough for fishes to swim and shallow enough for them to cross. But they glared some more when they witnessed what was in front of them. Open area, just across the river.

“Jesus Christ. We’re out!”

Blake slammed his rifle to the ground. He hugged Jules as tight as he could and squeezed the breathing person into his wider chest.

“We fucking did it!”

Across the streaming river, grass and open area waited for them. They could see mountains serving behind the panoramic view, and lush, green fields entertaining their eyes. Jules wanted to cry after seeing what he saw. The picturesque sight was too unbelievable, especially after almost being killed and trapped inside a thick jungle.

Beside them, a couple of feet away, a screaming deer panted and finally sprawled to the ground. It lost too much blood until finally died in the most helpless manner.

Blake scurried to it and wanted to kiss the dead deer. He was purified with joy right then. 

“Thank you so much, deery. Without you, we’ll be as good as dead inside that crazy forest.”

What did they do after? They ran, cheeks high, heart rumbled, legs cutting through bushes and thorns. Mosquitos consumed them too much, so the pain didn’t register.

Glenn watched them hurrying toward the group with extreme speed. He didn’t see the excitement on their faces, so he seized his gun and aimed it toward Blake and Jules’ backs. He prepared for what was worse that could come.

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