The Plan

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It was exactly one o’clock in the afternoon when Himari exited the German’s dormitory, feeling traumatized and depressed. All she needed now was a nice sleep, but she realized there would be no toleration and that she had to continue working. She wondered sometimes, why was she the only maid in the mega church. Why not have four or five. Those ladies in the dungeons could be maids like her.

The tallest guard in the whole area came to her while she sipped her own tea. As usual, they would climb to the unlocked storage room (unlocked as there was no door), she would pick a broom and a mop and a damp towel and cleaned the whole section without accidentally pulling of a trigger.

The storage was the one she left earlier. Every single day, she had to clean it up, top to bottom. But also every day something comes in or out of the place.

She finished at 1.30 and she had to run down to prepare for the soldiers’ foods. She did, and she finished at 2 after serving everyone, even the annoying German she didn’t even know the name. She did cleaning again for the whole church, and then cooking another meal for soldiers for dinner at 6, and then for the prisoners, and then cleaning again, and then her body would be wrecked as she’d been hit by a tractor.

Himari sat on her bedroom, consisted of one scrapped table, one uncomfortable bed, one chair, and one lantern. She jerked his mind to a wake state, considering how tired she was. She kept so hard on not just tumble down and snored. Her work hours increased that month, making her more tired than the last.

She sat on her gloriously hard chair, back slithered by pain.

She picked her pen up and started writing.

If you ever read this, conceal it at all time. If they caught you reading this, they might slaughter the entire prison, even the innocent children at the above ground dungeon.

Rooms (from the basement dungeons):

2 Dungeons in the basement, a hallway, another hallway that leads to the triple above ground dungeons. One guard usually stands there. Turn right to another hallway which leads to two places: the first being the hallway to the kitchen, the second being the ‘torture room’ with closed quarter. No accessible vents, drainage, or air conditioning to fit an entire human body.

Go straight and you will be in an intersection. The left one will lead you to the east wing where every office is located. The straight one will lead you to the west wing with every dormitory resident there. The right one will lead you to the kitchen and it will be wise to choose that.

Until you reach the kitchen, there’s a door which lead you upstairs for a bit. You will meet a common room or a dressing room or priest room (usually unused), and the other door will let you to the center part of the church. Through that door, you are to exit the communal part of the church and enter the altar. You run from there and go to the small shed dome left to the church, where the drivers are sleeping. Steal their keys and hijack their trucks and you are good to go.

The prisoners :

Aside from all of you, next to your dungeon is the dungeon of the labor women or pleasure women. I hope you also consider freeing them too. There are ten of them.

The first above ground dungeon is filled with kids, young kids, and there are thirty-eight of them. The second contains older kids, eight of them. The last is for farmers. There are fifteen adult farmers in the place.

Now for the guards:

1 guard outside the triple dungeons. One usually at the exterior door of the kitchen. Two in front of the church at night, but they’re not disciplined and leave their posts for a good night sleep almost every day.

There is the total of 32 soldiers in the building (including Yamako) + 12 German ambassadors. They usually hang around in the church, courtyard, dormitories, everywhere, but at night, probably only a dozen don’t sleep. 

At noon, approximately 11 A.M., half of the soldiers will be gone for their assignments with a couple of trucks. 

This leaves you to two options: to go at night and risk everyone, or to sneak at noon while half of them are not home.

Also, I found out that Yamako leaves tonight, so our escape supposedly would be easier.

Good luck.


And that paper was beneath the rice. Jules received it and found it glorious that she actually wrote all of it. 

“I hope no one’s suspicious with her movement. That girl is pretty bold, you know?”

“Yeah, John, she is.”

When Himari washed the dishes at night, she saw a piece of paper lying inside the dirty bowl. It must be Jules’ handwriting. Jules wrote on his piece of sleeve again.

And the writing was ‘We choose the night. I need you to do something…’

Below that was the small to do list. Jules asked her for a suicide mission, but she could quit anytime she wanted. Jules was the person whom cared about her the most, and she did too to him.

…. Thank you, Himari. Thank you. See you tonight.’

If someone found out, a bullet or more would fly to her head. But death comes with consequences, so she should live and tried a second chance of being happy. Jules was her only hope of not losing it.

And she nodded to herself.

“Okay. See you tonight.”

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