Chapter 13

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After everyone auditioned, we have to wait in the hallway. I'm almost as nervous as I was a few hours earlier. Charlotte on the other side acts confident as always. She's convinced that she'll get the role and that I don't have any chance against her. But as Ross told me, I try to ignore her.

"They're already discussing for about half an hour. How long can it take to decide on who's best for a cast?" I aks myself impatiently, sitting on the floor with my back leaning against the wall and drumming with my hands on my knees.

The blonde guy being seated next to me, who has obviously heard my question, mumbles, "Well... It's probably harder than you think. Just think about something else and relax, just like me."

"If it were just that simple..." The only thing that would come to my mind is the state of my mom, and that's nothing I want to think about now as it would only drag me down. "What is going through your head right now?"

"Oh, um," he starts in an insecure manner, "nothing that you should know of. I mean, it's not that important." While I'm turning my head to his side, Ross looks straight down to his shoes. Although I'm not really satisfied with his comment, I leave it at that.

In the next moment the door slowly opens and Mr. Wilson invites us into the classroom, so he can tell us about the results. Therefore the Lynch and I stand up and follow the quantity of people walking in. We find two free chairs in the back.

Since everything's quiet after several seconds, the teacher is ready to talk. "First of all, I want to thank you all for participating at this project. All of your performances were exceedingly good, which didn't make the decision easy for us. However, we've come to an - at least in my eyes - incredible conclusion.

I know that you are curious how it's turned out, so I won't hesitate to tell you. Let's start with our main role, our beautiful Cinderella." Alright, this is the moment. I hope my feeling didn't betray me. "Give it up for..." My heart is beating faster. "Alexa!" My heart stops beating.

While everybody's applauding, Charlotte takes an angry und unbelievable look at me and I just cover my mouth with my hands in order not to squawk. This must be a dream! But Ross shaking me out of joy shows me that I'm not halluzinating. Man, that was unexpected.

Completely shocked, but with a big grin on my face I don't really notice what Mr. Wilson has to say next. I'm stuck in my mind. Right after we leave the room, I have to call Charlie or at least write her. Oh, and I have to inform Mom about the good news. She'll surely be happy to hear them.

I only come back to reality when I hear Ross's name being said by our teacher. Within a few seconds I realize what it means. Ross got the role for the prince. So we both didn't only have success at our castings, but we also get to play together.

And you get to kiss the boy you've always wanted to kiss. One of your dreams will come true, a quiet voice in my head appears. Maybe he'll even develop feelings for you and you two become a couple. Okay, that's enough. I quickly shake my head to replace those thoughts.

After Mr. Wilson has ended his speech, I ask Ross if he could drive me home since Sierrah is at work and doesn't have time to pick me up. He says that there is no question about it, I only should ignore the mess in his car.

When I get into the black vehicle, I wonder where the mess is. If those crumbs in the footwell picture this so-called mess, he'll believe that a bomb has hit my room. But it won't ever happen because if he came to my house, I'd clean it up of course.

Not far away from the crossing where it leads you to the hospital by going straight and to my home by turning right, I clear my throat. "Um, hey, would you mind stopping by at the hospital? I need to talk to somebody." As for now I'm not telling him that it's my mother. I'll explain everything later.

He seems to think about it for a moment, looking at his watch, but then he says that it would be no problem. So he stays on the same street and we make our way to the hospital. I wonder what's going on in his head. Like, is he trying to find out who the person I want to talk to might be?

Having found a parking lot a couple of minutes later, we both get out of the car - first me and then Ross. Since he doesn't know the way, he keeps walking behind me, which feels a little bit unfamiliar at first because usually I follow him around.

As I knock on my mom's door and her voice permeates to us, I instantly open the door and make one step into the room. Ross right behind me, however, doesn't make a move as if he doesn't know what to do. That's why I grab his arm and pull him up to me. I only realize how close we're standing to each other while looking up to his face. Before it gets awkward, I release his arm and bring some space between us.

"Hey Mom," I greet her during my walk to her bed. She actually looks good today, she's getting better day by day. "May I introduce you? This blonde guy here is Ross, a friend from school." Before the accident happened, she had used to know him - she even knew that I have a crush on him -, but now it's just one of multiple lost memories.

"Nice to meet you," my mom smiles into Ross's direction. Turning towards me again, she asks, "To what do I owe the honor of you two coming to visit me? Not that I'm not thankful for it, I'm just wondering."

"I have to share some exciting news with you," I begin to explain. "I haven't told you about it yet, but at school we're gonna play Cinderella, and we both got the main roles! I mean, I'm gonna be Cinderella! How crazy is that?" I can't stop myself from laughing because I still can't believe it.

Mom immediately starts to grin and opens her arms, so she can engulf me in an hug. "Awww, I'm so happy for you! I know you love that fairy tale and I know that it means the world to you that you can play the Cinderella."

"You remember it?" I inquire surprised. I think about the times we watched the movie together when I was a kid, and my eyes get a little bit wet. But not only because of these images in my head, but also because of the fact that she got one memory back without being told about it.

"Yes, I do. I really do, " she answers joyfully. As a result of that a single tear loosens from my eye. It's not a tear of sadness, it's a tear of unbelievable happiness and luck.

Yes, it's true. I feel very lucky today. First Mr. Wilson chose me to play Cinderella and Ross to play Prince Charming and now my mother gets her memories back. At that point I feel like my life couldn't be any better.


Happy birthday the-harmless-venom🎉❤️

I know that it's pretty late in India, but I still had about 500 words to write and I was so busy with school that I only could finish the chapter by now. But I hope you liked your gift😊

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 28, 2020 ⏰

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