Chapter 11

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"A fight? Are you kidding me?" I ask, not wanting to believe what she just said. I thought he wanted to show me his good sides.

"I'm not, I'm completely serious," Charlie whispers. "My mom actually saw them from the distance because she was doing a little walk and well, she had to stop them."

For some reason the feeling of disappointment in Ross suddenly disappeares and is replaced by worries about him. That's why I want to know, "Is he okay? Or is he injured?"

But instead of hearing an answer to my question, I hear my teacher's voice sounding kind of angry. "Girls, please do me a favor and postpone your talking to after the lesson. Right now this is where the action is," he declares pointing at the board.

So Charlie and I stay quiet and focus on the lesson until the bell rings.


After we survived the school day and I arrived at home, I almost run into my sister. She's wearing her jacket and her little bag, she's probably about to leave the house. Therefore I ask her curiously, "Where are you going?"

"To the hospital," Sierrah answers quickly. "Do you want to come with me? If so, please hurry up. I don't want Mom to wait that long."

While stripping off my backpack from my shoulders and putting it on the floor, I remember that I actually wanted to start learning the script of Cinderella by heart, so I won't look like a complete idiot at the audition. Although I love visiting my mother, I sadly can't accompany my sister.

That's why I reply, "I'm sorry, I'm a bit busy today. But greet her from me." In response to that she nods. Then she says goodbye and walks through the door, leaving me alone.

After I have taken my shoes and my light jacket off, I get the empty water bottle out of my backpack and put it on the countertop in the kitchen. Sierrah hates it when I don't put it into a bag we only keep for those bottles, but I'll take care of it later. Instead I go upstairs into my room.

As I sit down on the chair next to my desk, I grab my pencil case, my exercise book and a sheet of paper with a few tasks on. First I have to do my homework, then I can focus on Cinderella. However, I'm not motivated at all, but let's be honest - is there any person in the world that has ever looked forward to school things?

Anyways, after the first second of reading the task my thoughts drift off. I rather think about Ross and his actions last night. Why couldn't he and his friends just ignore the comments of the other guys and go away? I really need to know. I guess I won't be able to concentrate on my homework or anything until I know his state and his reasons.

That's why I reach for my phone and write him a message - thanks to his sister I own his number. The text right under his name says that he was online just a minute ago. So if I hurry up, he could get the message immediately. Therefore I quickly type in: Charlie told me what happened yesterday... You wanted to show me that you can be nice and I actually believed you because yesterday was one of the best days in my life, and then this. I'm disappointed in you, Ross.

Three minutes. That is the time I wait and hope for his answer. He actually came online again, but then he went off and stayed off. I don't know what think about it. I mean, he must have seen my message, but it seems that he doesn't want to talk to me. And apparently he doesn't want to answer my phone call, too.

To my luck there is a girl I'm friends with that lives with him in the same house and that can tell me some stuff about him for sure. Of course I'm talking about Rydel. She has to know at least something. If not, then I don't know any other way to find out something except for coming to their home and getting into his room. But this will let me look like a stalker or something similar and I definitely don't want this to happen.

Unfortunately, I don't have success calling her either. So I decide to put my phone away and continue with my homework even though I don't have motivation at all.

It takes me a few minutes until I'm finished. Then I stand up from my chair, grab the script of Cinderella and let myself fall on my bed. My dad used to say that I shouldn't do this because the boards of the bed could break from it, but since he left us, I don't care for almost everything he said. A man who left us at the time we would have needed him the most isn't worth my respect.

After I have spent about one and a half hours with learning the script by heart - my sister is still at the hospital as I think -, I breath out as if it was a huge effort. Well, somehow it actually was, but now I know a big part without looking at the papers.

Suddenly I perceive the sound of the doorbell. Sierrah owns a key, which excludes her of the people that could stand outside the door. As I get to it, I see a tall shadow. Because of that I already have an assumption. Having opened the door, I see that I'm right.

It's the guy who didn't appear at school. It's the guy who I was trying to contact several times and who ignored me. It's Ross. The skin around his left eye looks like it has turned blue.

"What do you want?" I ask him kind of annoyed. However, he seems to have expected that since his facial expression doesn't change in any way.

"I want to apologize," he starts. "I know that not coming to school in order to not having to explain the situation to you was unmanly. And not answering your messages and your phone call as well. I guess I just didn't want to disappoint you. But I know I did and I'm really sorry for that. Yesterday evening was something like a relapse. But I want to change and I'm sure I can do it. The only condition is that I have you on my side."


I also want to apologize. I'm really sorry that it took me almost 6 months to publish a new chapter. But the lockdown didn't give me more time as I had so many tasks to do. And yes, when I finally had time, I wrote a chapter for my German story. I'm really sorry for always saying the same😅

Anyways, I hope you liked the chapter❤️

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