Chapter 4

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I don't know what to think about it. I mean, I've always liked Cinderella - I even own all of the four movies -, but this time it's different.

Which role should I play? One of the stepsisters is no option for me because I don't like playing mean people. And to be honest, I don't think I'll make it well, not having done really bad things.

The only role seeming interesting to me is Cinderella, but in my opinion the level is too high. Moreover I don't wanna get in trouble with Charlotte.

"Why are you so quiet? Don't you like it?" Mr Wilson asks, bringing me back to reality. For some reason nobody makes some kind of noise and that's extremely strange because usually everybody shares their opinion.

Suddenly Ross next to me clears his throat and stands up. Seems like he wants to say something. What is going on now? In the normal lessons he pretends to not be there and here he makes the others pay attention to him. Well, he always got my attention...

"I think that we're all speechless because the story of Cinderella is so wonderful and we, or at least most of us, can't believe that we're going to experience it," the blonde-haired guy says.

I instantly look up to him confused. Does he really think that way? Or does he just want to leave a coating? Personally, I believe in the second option. I don't expect him to find those stories interesting.

And so does Mr Wilson. He looks quite puzzled as well and wonders, "Wow, Ross. Suprising to hear that from you. But yes, the story really is beautiful. I bet you all are going to love it."

Easier said than done. What if I don't find a role that suites me? I also don't want to just stay in the background. It would be the first time that I don't play any role. But I shouln't be so negative.

"For today I've got something different on my list," our teacher continues. "Since Ross is new and probably doesn't know everyone of you, we're introducing our neighbors to him. So Charlotte for example talks to Maia and Ross to Alexa."

What? Did he really call out my name? Ross Lynch, the boy of my dreams, will talk to me? This will be the best day of my life. Well, if he doesn't say anything bad, who knows.

While all of the others already have turned around to their partner, I'm still looking at the stage and can't move because I can't believe it. Actually it's really stupid since I'm finally getting his attention when I start to talk to him. But what am I doing? I'm staring wholes into the air.

Luckily the guy next to me makes the first step and says, "So, are you going to tell me something about yourself now or...?" He sounds as if he wanted to have this behind, not really excited.

To not waste more of his time, I apologize, "Oh sorry, I've just been in my mind. But yeah, my name is Alexa Moore and I'm 18 years old. I live in a small flat in LA with my older sister. And in my free time I watch movies and try to write my own stories."

Ross hasn't looked at me the whole time, but he nodds. I'm a little bit sad because that means that he doesn't really care about me. On the other side he doesn't care about anyone except of himself. Besides that, we're in the same class and I bet that he didn't know my name until now.

Normally I don't like that kind of guys - I really could live without them -, but with Ross it's different. He's got something that attracts me like a magnet, and I wouldn't want to get rid of him.

"What about you?" I ask him shyly. Although I'm quite excited to get to know him better, I'm afraid that he gets annoyed through my question and goes away.

Luckily that's not the case and he starts explaining, "Well, as you surely know, I'm Ross Lynch and I'll soon be 19 years old. When I'm not at school, which is pretty often, I'm with my brothers and my sister making music."

"You're all in a band called R5, right?" I interrupt him without even thinking that he could get angry. However, I think I'm too scared. I always think that I could get on his nerves and our first real contact is gone. But every time he stays by my side.

Then something happens. Something that I didn't expect to happen. Ross looks right into my eyes and I'm completely blown away. I'm not able to speak, there are goosebumps all over my body and sometime I sit there with my mouth wide open.

"Yeah, our names all start with an R, so it was quite easy to find a name," he tells me. "Ryland isn't in the band, he makes electronic music. The fifth R is Ratliff who is our drummer."

"I know," I find my voice again. The next moment I realise that it seems like I kind of stalk him because I know so much about him and his life. Otherwise this could be pretty normal for him.

"Why do I even tell you all these things then?", Ross' behaviour as a Bad Boy comes back. "I actually have got better things to do than this shit."

"Because it's the task Mr Wilson gave us," I say a little bit louder now. The moment has come in which I get confused and have to ask him for the reason he's here. "If you've got better things to do, why have you even entered the room?"

No answer. He just turns away. Seems like all the last few minutes being on the same level were for nothing.

After a while everybody starts to introduce something else and as I'm the next, I tell the others only those things Ross said to me even though I could go on for hours.

At the end of the class Mr Wilson says with his finger showing into a certain direction, "Over there you can find some texts from different roles of Cinderella. Just take the ones you're interested in and read them at home. I've copied enough for everyone. And now I wanna wish you a good afternoon. Goodbye!"

Of course Charlotte quickly runs to texts and takes the one of Cinderella. What else?

While Ross stays on his seat and does something with his mobile, I go to the texts as well and have a look at them. I keep staring at them for a long time, but I can't decide which I should take.

But after a while of thinking about it, I grab the one of Cinderella and leave the room.


Oh my god, it's been over a month now since the last update. I'm really sorry for that. But I did not forget this story and - as you could see - I continued!🙈

I even neglected my German story One more wish which is kind of my baby, so...😂❤️

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