Chapter Two

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Hey everyone, sorry for the late update, I've just been super busy. Comment your thoughts on this one, its a llittle bit of a filler chapter, but the next one should be a bit more interesting. ;)

I put my money where my mouth is
And I laid my cards
Imma go out fighting
Gonna leave my scars
- Labrinth Let it be




"...pain medication..."

My head was throbbing in unison with my heartbeat. I could smell the clean and familiar smell of hospital disinfectant.

Hospital disinfectant?

Why was I at a hospital?

I shifted slightly from where I was lying, and groaned as a sharp stab of pain lanced through my head.

"...waking up..."

", I'm not leaving..."

Voices faded in and out of focus and I struggled to make out more than a few words. What I could hear though, disturbed me.

"...yes, more medication, keep her under..."

"...she'll wake up soon..."

I understood that they were talking about a patient, me. I just couldn't understand why I was in a hospital, with a killer headache and feeling like I had died already.

Steeling myself, I opened my eyes.

I was staring up at a cream - or what used to be cream, it had discoloured slightly - ceiling.

I barely had a moment to take in my surroundings before I was attacked by a wave of noise.

"She's awake!"

"Should I get some medication?"

"Oh, darling!"

The last came from a woman who threw herself at me, smothering me in a hug while almost suffocating me with her vibrant red hair.

"Sweetheart, how are you feeling?" my mother asked as she drew back at last.

I stared gormlessly at the cluster of people for a moment before finding my voice.

"Where the hell am I?"

It was a nurse who replied, her voice loud over the murmuring of the others.

"You're in the hospital. You were hit by a speeding car on the highway at around midnight last night. You have been in intensive care ever since. To be honest, it's a miracle that you survived at all. You broke two ribs along your right side and you also have multiple fractures along your right arm. You had internal bleeding, but on the whole you are on the right path for recovery."

Now that she had spelled out all of my injuries, I realised that I could feel a sharp pain shooting along my side if I turned too much, as well as a dull ache throughout my right arm.

I could remember the screech of tires and the scream of the car's engine as the vehicle smashed into me, tossing me aside.

", when can I leave?"

"Leave?" she looked horrified, as if the thought of me walking out the front doors would have her in tears.

"When can I go home? I feel fine."

"You were in a very serious car accident, and you have extensive injuries. You're currently in a very precarious position, medically, so we have to keep you for the next few days just to monitor your situation. I'd recommend staying for at least the next week."

Before I could reply with a sarcastic comment, my mother interrupted me.

"Sweetheart, I don't think you understand how serious this is. You have to stay here."

"That's settled then. I'm afraid that visiting hours will be over in twenty minutes, and then I'll bring your dinner up and some pain medication. Press the button next to your bed if you need anything, alright?"

Before I could nod, reply or give any indication that I had understood her instructions, the nurse was gone.

"Did it hurt? Can I see your arm?" the questions came from a young boy to my left, my brother Nathan.

It was obvious that we were related, although his hair was a brownish-blonde mess, his blue eyes were similar to mine, and we both shared the same fair skin.

"Nathalie, how good to see you again!" I said teasingly. I often pretended to be confused whether he was a Nathan or a Nathalie.

"Shut up, Heather." He spat, but he didn't want to argue any further with mum still in the room and looking even more keyed up than usual.

"Okay Nathan, Heather, that's enough. It's almost time to go okay, but sweetheart, I'll come over in the morning okay and that lovely nurse is going to take good care of you. Your phone is in the bag - I put some clothes in there as well. Call me if you need anything. I'm so glad you're alright." She tentatively hugged me and then she was whisking Nathan away, and the last I saw of her was her handbag swinging through the closing door.

"Well, bye." I said, even though I was talking to no one.

Right on cue, the nurse bustled through the door, wheeling a trolley piled high with trays, presumably of food.

"Hello dear, your mum and brother have just left so I've brought up your dinner, today its mince, mashed potato and vegetables with some jelly and ice cream for dessert."

She handed me the tray, and I mumbled my thanks glancing at the meal with distaste.

"Press the button if you need anything, and I'll be back soon anyway." She smiled and left, and as she did so I realised that I didn't even know her name.

After deciding that eating some of my food would be a good idea I had taken a spoonful of the mince. It was absolutely disgusting, a tasteless mush of my tray. The mashed potatoes were lumpy and luke-warm, and the steamed vegetables were soggy. By the time I turned to my jelly and ice cream I had low expectations for the dessert. To my surprise it was edible, although the ice cream was half melted and the jelly was a little bit on the hard side, I managed the choke down a few mouthfuls.

I put my tray of mostly uneaten food on the nightstand next to me, hoping for the nurse to turn up. It was a while before she did, but when she finally arrived, she was pushing another cart, and this time instead of giving me food that lay uneaten next to me, she was handing me the drugs that would let me fall into the sleep that I craved.

"Here you go, honey, take these. There's one for pain relief and one to help you get to sleep." She smiled, handing me the pills with a plastic cup of water.

I eagerly gulped down the pills, barely noticing the aftertaste.

"Thank you..." I hesitated and she smiled again.


"That's a nice name." I replied trying to be polite.

"Well thank you. I'd better go, but you just press the button if you need anything. The bathroom is just down the hallway there, and I'll be back in the morning. Dr Martinez will see you then. Goodnight!"

"G'night." I mumbled, the drugs already taking their toll.

The last thing I saw before I drifted into a dreamless sleep was Amanda switching off the light and leaving the room, and me, in complete darkness.

Vote & comment your thoughts if you can, feedback is greatly appreciated. :) Thank you for the continued support for Rules Were Made to be Broken in the 2012 Watty Awards. :) Next update should be on time, schools out so I have plenty of time. ;) Thanks.

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