10 | The Death Of A Violet

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Violet couldn't explain why she had pretended the teacup was hers

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Violet couldn't explain why she had pretended the teacup was hers. How could she explain her fear of death, when it concerned those who were still alive? 

She knew it was rather pointless; the omen was simply that: an omen. It was nothing definite, even with her knowledge of Sybil Trelawney's predictions having a semblance of truth. But if she was asked to explain her actions... She didn't think anyone would understand the inexplicable panic that had seized her heart, especially considering how well she had feigned calmness. It was impossible to. Because she was the only one who knew things.

But... she was almost glad that she had. If the relief on Harry's face was anything to go by, she knew he appreciated her attempts to take everyone's attention off him, even if a little confused and suspicious as to why she had done so in the first place. Violet didn't doubt that Harry thought she was weird — and she definitely didn't doubt that everyone else thought so too — it was hard not to, all things considered. 

It was certainly difficult to understand the minds of strangers who were strange in more ways than one, and figuring out exactly why Violet seemed to know exactly when to interrupt and say exactly what they wanted to hear... Well, she'd be surprised if they weren't a little wary of her.

Still, she wasn't sure if she should be allowed to change things. Would there be consequences? She was so terrified that doing something as small as pretending the Grim was hers would trigger something, but more than that she was terrified of never knowing for sure. Call her reckless, but she had to at least try.

She told herself this as the class descended down the stairs towards Transfiguration, and out of the corner of her eye she caught sight of a bushy-haired Granger slowly starting to drift away from the group, in a rather conspicuous manner. It was at that moment that Violet remembered she had Arithmancy and Muggle Studies at the same time as Divination. 

She needed a way to distract everyone... Seriously, she was bound to get noticed at this rate, because even Violet, the least observant person in the world, had noticed her odd behaviour.

By some miracle, Violet had been so deep in thought that she had tripped over her feet and landed butt-first on the ground.

Lavender, who had been behind her and seen her tumble to the floor, blinked in surprise. "How did you get down there?"

Violet scowled, grumbling lowly. "I had an urgent meeting with gravity," she huffed, and then louder, "This ass is irresistible!"

That caught several people's attention. She lowered her head to hide the scheming glint in her eyes as she reached out to grab Ron's bag to pull herself up, only to accidentally-on-purpose drag him down with her. He gave a yelp of surprise and grabbed Harry as he came tumbling down, who grabbed Seamus, who grabbed Dean, who yanked at Parvati's hair (she thwacked him with a book afterwards, mind you), who tugged on Neville's bag who didn't have time to grab anyone else and was the last to fall.

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