chapter 8

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harry's pov

i was helping the maids clean since it was a rule. louis works and i clean. sometime i work with him but that wasn't the case today. i was scrubbing the floors with a brush. soap making the suds. i smiled and the reaction louis would have once he sees the floor shine. i scrubbed more, a maid coming over. "you can't stay in one spot. the floors in the kitchen need scrubbing and the windows need wiping."

"i've done everything. all i see is you maids sit at the table playing poker." i said and she slaps me. 

"you will not speak to me in that matter." she said with disgust. i whimper and mumbled a sorry. i cleaned up the suds and rushed to the kitchen. the other maids glared at me. one just glared at them while cleaning the counter. she looked towards me and gasped at my red cheek. 

"master louis is going to be so pissed at you." she said walking to me. she looked at my face. 

"whatever. he was talking back to me."

"your not the boss over all of us. you act like your the master of the house."

"i am louis's mistress." she said with a smirk. i wasn't stupid. i knew what that was. i felt tears come to my eyes. 

"you're lying." i said quietly.

"excuse me." she spit out.

"you're lying. i know you are. i hate liars." i said angrily. 

"shut up you filthy thing." she said hitting me again. i let her. i didn't give a reaction like she wanted. she scoffs and hits me again. "you to scared to say anything smart back. i guess not because your so stupid. it's just air up there isn't it." 

"hey. we should get him angry." one of the maids at the table said nervously.

"what is he going to do. rat on us. become a tattle tale." she said in a child's voice. 

"i heard that hybrids can get super super strong if pushed too far." 

"oh please. him. he's nothing but a twig. he would even hurt a fly."

"fly's are less annoying than you." i said. 

"excuse me." she spits furiously. she grabbed a wooden spoon and hits me. i didn't flinch once. not a single whine came out of me. 

"what the fuck do you think your doing to my baby?" that voice. i quickly turn around a tear falling. louis rushes to me. 

"louis!" i shouted in acting like i was really hurt. i hugged him. 

"it's okay baby. i'm back now." he said. 

"they all made me clean by myself and when i told them to do there job they just glared and she started hitting me."

"not me sir." the girl that was cleaning the counter. 

"yeah. she was cleaning when i came in." i said. 

"he's such a liar. her was calling her names." one of the maids at the table said. 

"i hate liars." i shouted as tears fell. louis held me close to him. 

"it's okay baby. your all fired. except you." he said. i smiled. 

"but he's lying to cover his misbehaving." the woman that was hitting me with the spoon. i glared hard and i charged at her. attacking her to the ground. she screamed. 

"HAZZA. GET OFF HER RIGHT NOW!" louis said sternly. i looked at him with a glare. "you have 10 seconds to wipe that look off your face towards me. 1... 2." i looked away. i felt a slap and a push. i looked down and the woman was smacking me. 

be my baby kitten (larry stylinson) BDSMWhere stories live. Discover now