chapter 7

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harry's pov

we walk into the building and i didn't talk to anyone. i just sat at louis desk bored as he typed away at his laptop. writing down on some documents. "baby can you bring this to lisa. she's the old lady at desk 5. 7th floor. can you do that for me." he asked and i looked at the papers and slowly grabbed them. 

"7th floor. desk 5. lisa. got it." i said and he smiled. he went back to typing and i left. i made my way to the elevator and looked at the numbers and just stared at them. a guy came in. 

"floor 3 please." he said. i panicked. 

"uh." i said hovering me hand over the buttons. he scoffs. 

"move what floor do you need hybrid."

"5. sorry."

"isn't the boss on this floor." he asked. he was glaring at me. i shy away as the door closed. i grabbed the rail as it started moving and it shook. "the fuck." he said and pressed the button to move again. nothing. i began to panic as nothing was working. "hello can anyone hear me out there." he shouted searching his pockets. "damn it i forgot my phone." he said. i perked up a little. i searched my pockets and felt my phone that louis got me the day he bought me. i go to my contacts like louis had showed me. i pressed on his contacts and called him. i held the phone out after pressing the speaker button. 

"are you lost."

"no. stuck." i said. 

"stuck?" he asked. i motioned him to tell him. 

"the elevator shook and stop moving. nothing is working."

"again. this happened last month. what floor are you on."

"uh. floor-" the power went off. "no power. great. did you see."


"god stupid hybrid." he said punching me. i dropped the phone and whined. 

"i'm sorry." i said over and over again afraid he would hit me again. 

"did you just hit my hybrid."

"daddy please help. i'm scared." i cried. 

"people are coming now, baby. don't worry."

"he's going to keep hurting me though." i said fearfully. 

"no he's not. if he values his job then he won't even touch you." he said and i sat down. 

"daddy. can you stay on the phone with me. i'm scared." i said and the elevator shook again. we both panicked and i let out a yell. 

"what's going on." louis said

"i think it's going to fall." he said and i freaked out. i burst into tears in a full on panic attack. "shit. hybrid calm down." he said. he moved to the corner popping a hatch open. he motioned me to got over to him. i put my phone in my pocket not ending the call. he cupped his hand. "i'm going to boost you then your going to help me up okay." he said and i nodded wiping my tears. i placed my foot on his hand and he lifts me up. i grabbed the hatch and pulled myself up on top of the elevator. i turn around and the elevator shook again. i yell and grabbed onto the edge. i regain my balance and held my hand down to him. i lifted him up as best as i could. he climbed up and a door open letting light in. i saw louis and i was so happy. "go to him. i'm good." he said and i shook my head and help him up more. once he was up, he walked over to louis and cupped his hand again. i walked over and stepped on his hand again as he boosted me up. i grabbed louis hand and he pulled me up with ease. i heard the elevator shake again. i looked back and he was a little further down. i held my hand down quickly and he jumps just as the elevator started falling down like 17 stories. i pulled him up with louis help. the three of us lay on the ground. he began laughing. "saved by a hybrid. that's a story to tell."

"your not saying anything." louis said all of us standing. 

"oh i will. i'm suing you for unsafe work. i almost died because of your damn building."

"it's not my fault the elevator stopped and fell." louis said. my ears hid. 

"please stop fighting. it hurts my ears." i said quietly. i grabbed louis arm. 

"alright baby." he said. he grabbed my hand and lead me back to my office. "i'll be waiting for your lawsuit." he said angrily. "oh and your fired." he said and we walked up the stairs. he had to redo all the papers since they were all on the elevator. he held a stack of papers out to me. "can you put this on all the elevator doors for me." he asked with a smile. i nodded and i grabbed his tape. i did what he had asked all day and we go home in silence. it was a comfortable silence. i didn't want this silence to end. just because i was snuggling with louis all night.


that's the end of the chapter i hope you liked it. 

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