Beautiful Nightmare- Aaron Carpenter

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"Y/n" Your boyfriend of 3 years Aaron said pulling your focus from the t.v. show you recently started watching, 90210(this is a really good show btw) as he held your growing belly, you are currently 5 months pregnant

"yes Aaron" you said trying your best to face him

"how are we going to do this I mean we are only teenagers we don't have what we need to take care of a child" He said with fear in his voice

"Aaron...look I know that we don't have my parents but we have yours and if you don't want this baby then I will leave you don't have to pay for child support or anything I will find a way to get everything I and the bby need on my own I still have my sister" I said hoping that was not what he wanted

"what Y/n no I wanted this baby OK if I didn't want this baby I wouldn't have had sex with you I would have waited and I should have I knew you were not ready and I'm so sorry" he said so let me explain what got us here so on Aaron's 16th birthday I threw him a party and one thing lead to another nd before I knew it I was at the doctors being told that I was pregnant and to be honest when I was told that it was the happiest moment of my life because I was and still am in love with Aaron.Now my parents is a different story so I was able to hide from them for a while till my mom stared seeing that I was gaining weight she told my dad and they stared asking me questions like why have I been eating so much and why I was always so tired and then BOOM the truth came out they gave me 2 hours to pack what I need and leave when I finished Packing all my clothes and other stuff I had an hour left so I called Aaron and told him that I need his help and of course he came super quick and also got yelled at my parents for getting there little girl pregnant and since then I have been living with Aaron's family and I love it but I miss my family but I guess I have to get use to it but the gender of the baby is a girl and we decided to name her Alex Abigail Carpenter

"Aaron don't be sorry when I heard I was going to a mom I was so happy and I'm even happier that it going to be our baby and this will be our Beautiful Nightmare" I said

"what do you mean beautiful nightmare" Aaron asked worried

"I mean this is a nightmare that neither of us wanted to happen till we were ready but this will be our beautiful baby girl and our beautiful family" I said

"ok for a moment I though you were regretting it" he said in relief

"never" I said looking at my stomach

on Tuesday September 25 Alex Abigail Carpenter came out 7Ib. 4oz. and as healthy as could be.

*Hey guys Its miley and im sorry if the imagines have been really sappy i just dont know what to write about please give me some IDEAS thx luv u guys*

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