His break up tweet

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It's me today Secreatreader

Cameron- I though you where the one, but I guess things change 😔💔

Nash- I thought forever meant not leaving each other, I think I was wrong 💔😓😞

Hayes- you were my world and you still but what's your world without me? 😔😔💔

Carter- it's over, happy guys.

Taylor- I actually loved you 😟💔

Matt- you are my one and only I guess I wasn't yours. 😔

Jack G- every time I think of her I just break in to tears. 💔

Jack J- I can't call you my girl anymore 😔

Sammy- I've lost the one I lost the most, I hate myself.💔

Nate- I can't help but think of you all the time. 😩😔

Shawn- not even music can describe the love that I have for you 💔😞

Aaron- I was the idiot in the relationship, I wish I didn't let you go.

Jacob- I have not much words, all I can say it's over 💔😔

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