Distance-Jack G.

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I sat on the couch tired and cold. I hadn't slept all night why? Cuz me and Jack got into another fight yet again about him not being serious about your relationship. I mean there are times when we don't need to be serious and then there are times when we do and for Jack it's just all a game. I sat and just stared into space for a while I stood from the couch and went to the laundry room I got my leggings, a white tank top, black and red flannel and my skate-high vans. I put my hair in a messy bun grabbed my keys and left. I had no idea where I was going but I got in my car and just drove.

-Jack's pov
I didn't sleep I was so stressed out. Me and Y/n were fighting last night and the words I used to hurt her wouldn't stop replaying in my head "It's not that I'm not serious you just a boring bitter bitch" I love Y/n a lot I would do anything for her but we constantly had these fights about stupid things.  I guess she was right I never really took our relationship serious I was use to it being all fun and games. I started to get hungry so I went downstairs to see if  Y/n was hungry but she wasn't there I started to panic

"Babe" I yelled

No answer


No answer

I quickly ran to get my phone and I called her

"Pick up, pick up, pick up"


'Y/n oh my god where are you'


'Why did you leave'

''I needed some space from the house and you'

'Well can you come back and we could talk about everything'


'Ok I'll see when you get here I love you'

'Ok bye'

-Your pov
I was driving music playing in the background softly. About 20 minutes and I reached the house. I sat in my car for 5 minutes and walked to the front door, put my key in and slowly walked in

"Jack" I called

"In the room" he answered. I walked to the room and sat on the floor by the door. It was silent for a few minutes before he spoke up

"I'm sorry y/n...I shouldn't have said what I did and I don't know how you feel about us being together because I know we fight way to often and I don't know why the little things I do upset you but I wanna fix it"

"Jack I wanna make us work I really do but our relationship is just not the same as it was 6 months ago...I feel like there is a distance between us and I just don't know how to get rid of it"

"Like a wall?"

"Yea exactly a tall wall that each time we reach the top we both try and grasp onto the samething to pull ourselves up and it breaks leaving us falling back to the bottom"

"Damn I never seen it or thought about it that way but why do the little things upset you" he asked

"Because I want us to have fun in our relationship but we need to be serious and I don't know how to get that through to you"

"I know we have to be serious I just hate fighting or you getting mad at me so I try and lighten the mood but I realize it just doesn't work but I promise you I'll be more serious just don't give up on us I don't wanna lose you"

"I won't give up as long as we can work together and figure out how to get to the top of the wall and stay there we'll have our little falls and outbreaks but we'll get back up and start our way up the wall again promise" I asked

"Promise, come here" he said I stood up and walked to Jack and he hugged me

"I love you y/n"

"I love you too Jack"

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