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I was hanging out with my bestfriend Jack before my date with jake the most popular boy in school. I didn't even know why he would ever ask me out I mean there are many other prettier girls than me (not saying your ugly).

****5 hours later****

I put on my black skinny jeans and a 5sos tank top with black and white converse and I put my hair in a high ponytail and curled it.

**when jake arrived**


"ill get it" I yelld

"ok" jack said

he look upset and angry almost like he wanted to cry idk y him and jake are bestfriends.

jake came in.

"ill be right back" I said running up the stairs to grave my phone before I could reach the bottom of the stairs I heard

"DUDE STFU YOU KNOW I LOVE BEA MORE THAN YOU EVER WILL......Im sorry dude its just.... she is so beautiful and I dont know if I want her to date anyone but me."jack said

"I get it man to be honest I just got jealous because she always hung out with you and not me"jake said back

I came down the stairs and and said

"jake I dont feel so good maybe we could go another time sorry"

"its all good babe text me later?"

"ok, bye jake" I said and closed the door

"Bea...are you okay do you need anything?"

"actually I do come up to my room."

I took his hand as we walked up the stairs and I jumped on my bed I patted the spot next to me and said

"cuddling is what I need"

jack smiled and jumped in bed with me he wrapped his strong arms around me then put his head in the crook of my neck and said


"yeah jack"

"I love you"

that was the first time jack told me that I was surprised

"I love you too"

"no...you dont understand Im in love with you. you mean so much to me and...idk  its just the first time I saw you I got butter..."

I cut him off and kissed him.... hard

"jack I know I get butterflies to I just did not know if u felt the same...just like I said I love you and I mean it"

"Bea can I ask you something?"

"of course"

"umm...... do u want to be my girlfriend?"


"Bea calm down"

"haha ok yes of course"

"I love you so much"

"I love you too"

***text w/ jake***

you= u jake=j

u:jake im dating jack im sorry

j:I know he told me

u:o ok well I would love to be your bestfriend

j:ok sounds great but I tired so night



"night jack I love you"

"night babe I love you too"

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