Chapter 19 - Where Am I?

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I stare at the disaster in front of me, and for some reason, I feel tears forming behind my eyes.

Oh god Carmen, don’t cry… not here… not now…

But I couldn’t help it, tears were soon streaming down my face. I had to get out of here.

I quickly grab my belongings and rush to the elevator, desperately pressing the down arrow key.

“Please fucking open… please… please…” I mumble to myself, suppressing the desire for to let out my constrained sobs.

The doors ding, and I slide myself in as soon as there’s enough room for me to fit. I press the G button spastically, when I hear my name.

“Carmen! Stop!” James roars from down the hallway. The doors begin to close when as the very last second, his foot stops them and he forces his way into the elevator with me.

I retreat back into the corner, not because I am angry with James, but because I’m afraid of him.

The look in his eyes is a cry for help. He is panting, when I notice there is blood on his hands.

“Carmen… I am so sorry…”

I feel the tears pouring down my face, noticing the knot in my throat growing by the second.

“Oh Carmen… no… no please don’t… don’t cry…” He whispers coming towards me, as I sink into the corner even more, squinting my eyes as I turn away.

The doors close, and I lose it. I slide down until I’m sitting in the floor, sobbing into my hands.

I hear James sit down next to me, and within seconds I feel a warm strong body pick me up and place me in his arms. I didn’t resist him. Even if the doors were still open, I wouldn’t have tried to fight him off.

I can’t explain how I felt at this moment, but how he smelled, feeling his chest against my head, his strong arms wrapped around me while gently stroking my hair sent me in a state of delusion. My crying instantly subdued, breathing soon returned to normal, and senses were calm.

What the hell just happened?

I don’t know how long we were in the elevator, but the last thing I remember seeing was the cream colored buttons on his shirt next to wear my head was resting, and after that, everything went black.

I wake up in my bed, feeling like I slept for the past 5 years. I rub my eyes when I look out my window, never noticing how pretty the view was from my room.

Were my windows always this big?

I slowly get up, and head towards the kitchen for some water, when I feel a weird sensation on my feet.

Hardwood floors? My bedroom has carpet…

I gasp, hands flying to cover my mouth from my scream.

This isn’t my room.

*Hey everyone! I've really enjoyed writing this for you all!

I would love some feedback so far! What do you think? Do you like where this is heading?

I have some really good ideas for further chapters, stay tuned :)*

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