Chapter 14: What Now?

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James POV:

The look in Carmen’s eyes made me despise myself. I looked behind her to see a group of people, just staring at us. The looks were mixed with sympathy and shock for Carmen’s sake, along with disgust and disappointment at me for being so harsh to her.

She quickly turned around and ran for the door. I wanted to go after her, I needed to go after her…but I couldn’t bring myself to move.

I never chased women. I never needed to. I’m James Alexander Fitzgerald for christ’s sake! But right now, I had to swallow my pride and do what’s right.

After she left, the back yard was completely silent. I slowly make my way through the crowd, feeling the cold looks from everyone as I progress inside the house, thoughts flooding my mind of my options.

“Okay James…. You could leave now, and go find her. Try to talk to her and explain yourself…” Really James? She doesn’t want anything to do with you right now.

“What about flowers? Flowers! Yes that’s it… a huge bouquet of roses.” Flowers can say “I’m Sorry” but this mess was too big for that.

I walk through the home, searching for the front door which is already open. I look outside and down the long driveway I see my Lexus pulling out into the street.

“Fuck… she took the car.” I whispered to myself, desperately trying to search for another vehicle to chase her down. I had to find her and fix this.

There was a motorcycle leaning against one of the columns on the front porch, and I see a glistening key still in the ignition. This was my chance.

I quickly hopped on the bike, turned the key, and sped off. I’m dodging traffic like a mad man, almost getting in a crash twice. I’m trying to think of where Carmen would be, and my first guess is her apartment. After a few minutes of praying I don’t lose my life driving as insane as I am, I pull outside her place, exhaling deeply seeing my car in the front.

I turn off the bike and head for the driver’s side window, swinging the door open.

“Willy! Where is she?”

Willy turns to me with wide eyes. “Sir! You startled me…”

“I’m sorry. But please, where is Carmen…”

“Sir… I don’t think now is the best ti-“ I had to cut him off. I knew Willy had a soft spot, but he worked for me, and he was going to tell me where Carmen was.

“WILLY. I DEMAND YOU TELL ME WHERE CARMEN IS RIGHT NOW.” I roared, causing him to jump in his seat.

“I.. uh.. yes sir… she’s in.. room 24, floor 6…”

I ran inside and headed straight for the elevator, pressing the button nearly 100 times until the doors finally opened. When they did, my mind was in a million places, I could barely read the numbers on the wall to find the ‘6’. I took a lucky guess with my blurred vision and headed up.

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