Chapter 4: Welcome To The Team

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The man behind the desk looked up, and did a double take. “Well, well, look who it is…please, take a seat.” 

I gave him a confused look. “Really? I would have assumed you would have asked me to leave by now… ya know… based off what happened this morning…” 

He stood up from his chair and made his way to the front of the desk, sitting on the edge with his hands crossed. “Now that wouldn’t be fair, would it Ms….” He quickly looks at a paper next to him “Andrews?” 

I nodded my head. “Yes, and no, it wouldn’t.” 

“Please take a seat, make yourself comfortable.” 

Um, hold up. Who was this guy? He must have a twin because there’s no way the jerk I encountered just 15 minutes ago was the same professional man standing in front of me right now. 

“So, Ms. Andrews, what brings you to this interview?”

“Well, I’m very interested in being an assistant, and I thi-“

“No… the real reason you are here.”

My eyes widened. “What do you mean?”

“Do you really expect me to believe your lifelong dream is to be someone’s bitch all day?”

I gasped. “Sir… I…”

“Ms. Andrews, please be honest with me.” His blue eyes were so serious right now, it was almost scary. 

“Okay… the real reason I am here is because…I just moved into the city, and I heard this job had wonderful connections to pursue my career.” 

For some reason I felt ashamed for telling the truth. I mean, what employer wants to hear that their interviewee is only here to use the company as a stepping stone for what they really wanted to do? 

“And your career would be…?”


He leaned back, and rubbed his hands through his hair. By the look in his eyes I could tell he was thinking about something, before quickly returning back to his normal vibe. 

“Let’s go over job descriptions.”

I nodded in agreement. 

“You would work 6 days a week. Monday through Friday are spent here, in the office with me, and Saturday is spent at home, but doing active work. I like my employees to feel comfortable, and home work days seem to help.”

He licked his lips before continuing. And for some odd reason, I was slightly turned on by it. This man was unnecessarily rude, but also extremely professional, and the fact I couldn’t really figure him out made me intrigued to find out more. 

“You will be responsible for scheduling all my appointment, meetings, and anything else that requires my existence.” 

He goes behind his desk again and sit down, opening up a drawer and pulling out a piece of paper, writing something down. 

I sit in my seat fidgeting again. 

“You will also come by my housing developments, this is a new feature with the contract. I have just recently gotten into real estate and will need your assistance from time to time visiting locations.” 

He pushes the papers toward me, with a pen. “So, Ms. Andrews, are you interested in this position?” 

I look at him with wide eyes again, my mouth slightly open. “Wait, you’re giving me the job?!” 

“Yes.” He replied very flat. 

“Yes! Absolutely.” I quickly signed the contract, and pushed it back towards him. 

He flashed me a smirk. “Wonderful, congrats Ms. Andrews, welcome to the team.” 

I stood up and reached my hand out for a handshake, which he returned, and held onto my hand a little longer than I expected. Wait, what?

He steps quite close to me, and I could get a hint of his breath again. “May I walk you out Ms. Andrews?”

I clear my throat and nervously grab my purse. “Uh, yes, thank you.”

He walks me out of his office and towards the elevator, a painfully quiet 40 seconds. The doors open and I walk inside. “I’ll see you Monday Mr. Fitzgerald.” 

He replies “I can’t wait Ms. Andrews…” and with a wink, the doors closed. 

Something tells me that Monday is not going to go like how I expect. 

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