Chapter 11: Where's My Drink?

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All I could do was sit on my side and look out the window. Before I knew it, we were at our destination. We drove down a long driveway filled with lights in the trees. This was yet another beautiful home. 

The car parked and a man opened me and James’ doors. We walked inside the home to see easily 250 people scattered about. Soft jazz music was playing. This was definitely an upscale party. I felt extremely out of place. 

“Listen, just keep your mouth shut until I say you can talk. Don’t introduce yourself to anyone, don’t make a scene, don’t do anything to bring attention to yourself, okay?” 

I rolled my eyes. “Am I allowed to breathe master? Or should I just hold my breath so that nobody hears me?” 

James’ face got red. He was obviously frustrated. Good. He’s trying to treat me like an animal in a cage. 

“Carmen…” his blue eyes were now very dark. I was taken aback at how intense his stare was. Instead of being scared, I found it extremely satisfying I could get him this pissed. 

“Sorry sir, I’ll just go stand in the corner, behind a plant or something. Have a good night.” And with that I stormed off to find something to drink. Lord knows I needed something strong. 

I made my way towards the bathroom, and as I was in the stall I could hear two women talking. 

“Did you see who James walked in with?” One woman asked. 

“Oh my god I know! Is that his girlfriend or something?” The other replied. 

“Girlfriend? Please. James doesn’t settle down with anyone, it has to be his assistant or something.”

“But… he never brings his assistants to these things…” 

“Maybe she’s his new whore.” They both laughed as they touched up their makeup. I slammed open the stall door and walked toward the sink, staring them down as I washed my hands. They lost all the color in their face, looking completely shocked. As I was reaching for a towel I broke the silence.  

“If you’re that curious, no, I’m not his girlfriend. Yes, I am his assistant, and no, I am most certainly not his new ‘whore’. So if you two could act your age, and not talk shit about someone you haven’t even met, that would be fantastic.” 

The two girls were speechless. That’s right bitches, don’t fuck with Carmen Andrews. Certainly not in this dress. 

If I was ready for a drink before, I was more than ready for a drink now. 

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