Wandering Child and Cemetery Swordfight

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I silently wept, my mind clouded with different thoughts and my emotions were in a frizzy. Then wiping the tears from my face. I slowly took deep breaths. My limbs became slightly weak. It felt like an invisible weight had been placed on my shoulders, a weight that I didn't even asked to carry but forced to endure and let it take it's hold on the better of me as I had to constantly put up with all of the lies. I'm just tired of putting up a facade so people can believe it but deep down...

It's all just fake...

And I hated it so much, that it hurts...

"Wandering child So lost, so helpless.Yearning for my guidance."

I looked up in shock as I heard someone singing to me softly, like rose petals in the wind It was Erik! I sang, softly as I rose up slowly to my feet "Angel or father? Friend or phantom? Who is it there, staring?"

"Have you forgotten your Angel?"

"Angel, oh speak What endless longings Echo in this whisper?"

"Too long you've wandered in winter,far from my fathering gaze"The lights of the Daae tomb lid up and the gates opened by themselves, shaking my head slowly my lips curled up into a slight smile"Wildly my mind beats against you"

"You resist"

"Yet the soul obeys/Yet your soul obeys"

I started walking up the steps, feeling myself going under a trance. "Angel of Music! I/You denied you/me.Turning from true beauty...Angel of Music! My protector/Do not shun me... Come to me/your strange Angel."

My eyes didn't blink, l felt emotionless, like how Ayano Aishi from Yandere Simulator would describe it; I didn't feel happy, anger, nor sadness but only the feeling hollowness, emptiness. Dare I say...

Incomplete without him...

I heard Erik beckon. "I am your Angel of Music Come to me: Angel of Music"

I stopped on the top of stairs...

"No, Kaylee, sister, wait!"

I didn't listen, I was focused on finding Erik.

"I am your Angel of Music Come to me: Angel of Music"

I extended my arm out and walked forward. I'm coming for you, Erik.

"Kaylee, Kaylee, listen to me! Whatever you may believe this man, this thing is not your father!...Let her go! For God's sake, let her go! Kaylee!"

That did it...

I snapped out of the trance when I heard Raoul's voice, I turned around and saw Raoul and Christine. "Raoul! Christine!" I exclaimed, coming down the steps and hugging Christine. I heard Erik let a growl. I spotted something bright and red being thrown in Raoul's direction. "Raoul, look out!" I yelled while pointing towards the object, Raoul looks and dodges it

What was that?!

Shit! It was one of the fireballs from the Broadway show!  Oh boy, I'm going to have to bring my dodging game on for this one. I see other fireball being thrown at us and pushed Christine out of the way. I leaped to the opposite direction, landing on my side. I heard Christine gasped as Erik came down from the tomb and attacked Raoul, seeing clear the anger and hatred in his eyes. Me and Christine watched as Erik and Raoul fought.

Raoul blocked the attack and swung his sword back at Erik. They continually dueled each other until Erik backed Raoul to a wall that I assumed was high as his waist. Before Erik could make his final blow, Raoul jumped up over the wall and landed on the snowy ground. Erik jumped over the wall to go after Raoul.

Me and Christine ran to follow them 'There's got to be a way to stop this!' I thought

I spotted Erik push Raoul back against a tree. Raoul rolled out of the way as Erik swung his sword at him. When Raoul rolled away, Erik slammed his sword into a tree branch.

I just couldn't bear to watch this, all of a sudden I felt pain in my forehead. Feeling the sudden and powerful urge to step in and just put an end to this fight between Raoul and Erik. In a movement that I was unable to control myself, I sprinted towards Erik and Raoul, ignoring Christine's pleas to come back. With some unknown speed I kept on running towards the opposite ends of another tomb. Where Erik and Raoul were fighting.

Erik swung his black cloak over Raoul's head, to distract Raoul and he slashed Raoul's arm. Raoul yelled in pain, he recovered and more downright livid He was now injured with an open wound and so he swung his sword at Erik, hitting Erik's sword out of his hand. It dropped to the ground. Raoul stepped on the sword and kicked the sword away from Erik's reach.

"Raoul stop!"

I shouted, making them both look at me. Christine was not too far behind me as Raoul glared back at him. Erik glares back at him, trying to reach for his sword. Raoul raised is sword above his head, ready to make the final strike.


Raoul's sword collided with the ground right next to Erik's. Everyone stared at me in shock as they looked at the James Bond strange gun in my right hand. Smoke emitted from the barrel.

"That wasn't a friendly suggestion, Raoul, there's enough bloodshed going around. Let's not make it any worse."

Raoul grabs and puts his blade back in his sheath and grabbed my hand and led me to his horse. Christine climbed onto her horse as I looked back at Erik. His eyes were filled with anger, lust,

and some sort of longing...

I get goosebumps and shivered as Raoul helped me onto the horse and we all rode out of the cemetery. I swore I heard Erik say

"So be it! Now, let there be war upon all of you!"

One thing is for sure.

This cemetery incident isn't going to make anything easier for her or anyone. The war had just began...

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